Experience and knowledge create wisdom...
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Did You know that newest measurements exactly show how many kilometers you need to pass for achieving certain success ?
These are the details:
100 kilometers per year - job with salary 200-400 Dollars
1000 kilometers per year - job with salary 600-800 Dollars
10 000 kilometers per year - profit under 2000 Dollars
In kilometers, following things are calculated:
One book read 50 km
Studied and Analyzed one good book 100 km
One good book applied in practice and put in action 500 km
One Seminar 300 km
Applying the knowledge from Seminar 800 km
Separating 1 hour a day/ every day for thinking & organizing ideas, business, seminar, products,..etc 500 km
Discipline that you keep acquiring every day 400 km
Patience and tolerance 350 km
Enthusiasm 450 km
True Love 1500 km
Honest 1000 km
Turning problems into possibilities and positive finish 750 km
Positive thinking with no excuse without negation ( No, I don't know, I don't want, I can't,...) 900 km
Establishing of good interpersonal relationships and communications 1000 km
These are some of few vital things for success... Read good book or ask people that are already successful so the list will extend. Now You can proceed on Your Life Way...With no Obstacles !
Start right now !
From Heart
Dr. Great Success
Good books are precious!
And best friends.
Thanks, this is right things Olivera...