How did you start your own business dispute not knowing anything about field ?

in #businness7 years ago

Not knowing much about a business may be one of the biggest advantages of going into it.

Having no experience in a field means you're far more likely to challenge the status quo than accept it. Someone that has spent years in the system will often struggle to see the system’s problems.

Not knowing anything means you bring a fresh perspective.

Before launching Virgin Airlines, Richard Branson had no experience in the airline industry. Elon Musk had never done anything in cars before Tesla.

And that’s why I’ve co-founded a payroll app, a job-site, a time-tracking app, a retail data-analytics app, a lead-generation app, a customer-survey app, an aircon-servicing company and an energy efficiency company.

I’m happy going in not knowing anything - I’ll pick things up as I go along and build a team with the needed expertise…