I'm not going to get sucked into some childish diversion of "who started it". Grow up. You could spend far less effort being a decent human being than you do on this passive-aggressive demand that everyone feel sorry for you. You started this shit. You lost. You aren't welcome on the LGBT Discord server whether or not you would come back.
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I'm actually not being passive aggressive nor playing the victim. I'm literally telling you her "Fuck you" and "Fuck off". You've a very unlikeable person, you and the other admin. I stated the first time I said anything really on that server that I was afraid it was going to end up being some sort of SJW clusterfuck and turns out, I was right.
You're an SJW in denial, and I'd rather not deal with you. Buzz off and annoy someone else, I got better things to do than to argue with some perpetually butthurt children.
No, you were as wrong then as you are now. Sure you do, that's why you keep trying to blame your piss-poor behavior on everyone else. That's why you keep responding here. 'Cause you have better things to do.
Ya, totally a guy who considered me unlikeable.
You're a fucking liar, and I don't need to have anyone flag your posts. Your conduct will do far more damage to your Steemit reputation than I could ever hope to do, assuming you were even remotely close to that important to me.
I hope your life becomes less miserable, or at least you will stop trying to make everyone else pay for your shitty behavior. The sequence of events, here for public record, was @outtheshellvlog stating, "You're not a woman. You're a bad ass chick with a gun," to which I replied, "I'm a badass woman with lots of guns." I then wrote in our mods channel that I hoped he recognized that for the first and last warning that it was. He then replied in general, "I fucking love you."
What part of "Fuck you" and "Fuck off" did you fail to compreh..ohh right, you're incapable of speaking properly, I get it.
Normally if you were warning someone, you'd vocalize something as a warning. So yeah, that tells me a lot about you, you don't know how to communicate.
What I'm telling you, since you seem to lack the intellect, "Go away".
Keep demonstrating why you were kicked and banned. I bet "fuck you", "fuck off", "you're incapable of speaking properly, I get it", "Go away", and a dozen straight-up lies you've published here are prime examples of how mistreated you are. This isn't important to you, yet you keep responding, and digging yourself into a deeper hole. I have nothing better to do though until the Oscars are finished, so keep it up.
I don't owe you any explanation, or warning. If I have to tell you that you're a condescending prick, it's obviously wasting my breath to do so.
Really? Who's doing the downvoting? Oh that's right.
I do not wonder at all why nobody wants you around.
Fucking prick.
You sure you want to start a flag war with me?
You're literally harassing me at this point, you deserve the flagging. Don't like it? Fuck off already.
You wrote this post. It's public. You keep responding with something other than, "I'm sorry. I fucked up." I don't care if you flag me, 'cause I'll end up making money off the comments you're downvoting, while claiming you're being harassed. You're abusing the flag, no matter how easily your childish self-absorbed little mind can justify it.
Seriously dude. If nobody wants you around, everyone thinks you're an asshole, maybe, just maybe it has something to do with you.
You're a liar and I hope you rethink your life, because all the misery in your life is evidently self-inflicted.
What the fuck do I care if you flag my comments? I don't expect anyone to upvote comments. If you are really that self-destructive, seek professional help before you do something more permanent than ruin your Steemit reputation. You can flag all of my posts, and the community will respond by upvoting them exponentially higher than whatever damage your worthless little flag did. You are only hurting yourself. But that's the plan, right? You hurt yourself and then cry to everyone else how you're being picked on. It's all you, baby. Grow up.