It´s been 3 months since I traveled for the last time.
I only wrote a few posts about that mini adventure in Chiapas, México and Guatemala, but most of what happened there stayed in my mind, mainly because it was unamusing and whenever I´, in adventure mode I keep to myself all the normal stuff that happens to me.

Building a fence for an animal sanctuary in Caye Caulker, Belize

Mayan ruins in South Belize

A public hospital in Guatemala

Semuc Champey natural park in Guatemala

Acatenango Volcano summit in Guatemala

Hitchhiking in Belgium

*No text needed right?

Exploring a Canyon in Nicaragua

Very short shorts in Costa Rica

Playing pool in Portugal

Children in Honduras

More children in Honduras

Blogging in Spain in the back of a camper

Underground tunnels in Puebla, Mexico

The eye of London
Back home
Before that, I spent 7 months traveling Central America and Western Europe and a lot of you read about my aventures there, most of you didn´t because I got 70% of my followers after December 2017 so now it´s you chance to get involved in this adventure from the beginning.
On monday I board a plane to a mistery destination and whoever guesses correctly to what country I´m going wins 25 sbd. Only one person can win this so whoever guesses first, wins.
You might be a little curious of what I´ve done in the past, so I´m leaving you here a gallery of where I´ve been, This set of pictures cold or could not be a hint of where I´m going.

You're going to meet up with me on Monday in Cancun. Hahahaha!
Dude, aren't you glad you joined Steemit? I'm so happy you're doing well on the platform.
Hey, I'm going to Chiapas this Saturday to see the Sumidero Canyons and then San Cristobal De Las Casas. Drink some pox and good coffee.
We'll talk more when I see you tomorrow. Call me when you land. Call me whatever you want, but just call me.
Lol I'm so glad you introduced me to Steemit! I'm always going to be grateful with you man, steemit had the power to change lives and it surely changed mine.
That's awesome! It's beautiful you are gonna see a lot of Crocs over there, if you need hostel recommendations let me know :D
Haha cheater! You are not supposed to guess :P
I'll let you know the moment I land!
Posada del Abuelito looks like a good hostel. Also looking at Corazón Corteza. What do you recommend?
I stayed at hostal central 22 and it was great, fairly new and the owner is a great guy :D
He seguido tus aventuras, realmente son muy buenas y pensando que te gusta aventurar vendrás a Venezuela el pais de la supervivencia jajaja. Pero como también se que no llegaras a tanto aterrizarás en Cancún para verte con tu amigo @luzcypher... o podrías ir a Alemania y unirte con los hermanos gargon 🤣😋🤗
Jajaja wow! Qué cerca estuviste! Se me hace que viste pistas!
Jajaja, sin duda alguna se que será Alemania, Exactamente en Berlin la capital.... jajaja, necesito un empujón o mi pequeño cerebro va a colapsar, Eric dame una pista chico no seas malo... jejeje.
I do not know where you will go next, too many to choose from, but I think you must also add South Africa to your list - yes we have crime and a corrupt government, but here you will find sights and people that you will never forget
India to become a guru and then meditate on steem for a while before swimming to the Maldives to scuba with the manta and whalesharks before hitching a ride from a longtail boat over to Thailand to hangout with the bitcoin millionaires there before hitting up Aussie-land for the beer, accommodating women and to fulfill the lifelong ambition to be chased by a comically over-sized spider more than 5 times in one day... these are my predictions. Oh no wait a minute, that's what I'd like to do, minus the spiders 😉
But to clarify: India, Maldives, Thailand and Australia.
If I'm only allowed one choice I will go with India as no one else has said it and it's a super cheap travel destination with lots of opportunities for adventure 😜✈
Hahahai I really want to go to Australia to put my skills to the test against all those animals who want to eat you alive.
Thailand is definitely on my list for this year but not the next adventure. India the same, but I don't think I'm going to Maldives any time soon.
Butttt, this time you are wrong! You'll be please to find out soon.
I know you are going to Asia and has plans on Malaysia and Thailand and so I really hope you would consider going here in the Philippines.
We promise to try to fight off the erikfies that might chain you to a basement for upvotes and other favors hahahahaha.
Yeah! I am, SEA and Philippines, definitely but not right now, I have to make one stop before hitting Asia.
Also, if they are kinda cute maybe we can't let them kidnap me for a while, we'll see :P
Hello my Friend. I Think you must travel to Venezuela. I completely sure that will be a great adventure, you can go to any site on my country because is very nice and have a good place like beach, mountain, savannah, desert all you can imagine. But in this time I think you are going to travel to Lisboa.
May be your next tour is to Thailand, but wherever you go enjoy brother, and in one of the picture we can see an injury on your right leg, what happened brother?, i hope now the injury is not there and hope that now once again you will start amazing travel journeys and wishing you an great time.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
First of all, Thank you so much for the attention to my post to support me
in the case of your contest, I have to say that it is somewhat hard to guess, where are you going? but, in my thought, you have so much interest to meet Nature. So, you might go to South American countries, African countries, or even Asian one.
I even welcome you to come to my country, Iran. As you know, in Iran, in spite of Political problems, we have many places to see including historical and natural.
finally, I think, to guess your mind, one should be in your mind.
Congratulate to the winners in advance.Dear @anomadsoul,
Again thank you
hola eric, yo se a donde tu vas. estoy casi segura que vienes a Venezuela a buscarme, para luego irnos juntos al mundial de Rusia. Ya me estoy preparando para tu llegada, asi que te voy a cocinar tu platillo favorito, pizza y de postre una torta de chcocolate. aqui te espero precioso.
Carolina! Pero si tú estás casada y con hijos y todo, qué fuerte declaraciones las tuyas jajaja no me tientes con pizza y chocolate! :P
San Francisco
It seems impossible to me you have not yet visited beautiful Italy.
Many may think it is not a fairly adventurous destination, but it is a country ruled by the mafia... in the sense that the mafia is right in the government buildings in Rome... when will you arrive?
I think it should be your next adventure, I think the adventure really deserves!
Since Italy has already been said, I deviate your next destination to Israel: correct answer?
You are another me.
I guess it´s Germany or France! Or wait, it´s Sweden!
Lol no fair guessing three times!
haha true. wasn´t really serious. but would stick to sweden now. nice country to travel to during summertime
Curious — any good comic conventions in Central America?
There are plenty in South America, home of some top modern artists. I should post regarding Ed Benes studio soon:
I'm not sure, I'm guessing maybe in Panama but other than that I can't think of any comic-con in central America.
Venezuela jajajaja quieres experimentar todo aquello que contamos en nuestras historias los venezolanos
I just want to say welcome to Russia
Russia for the world cup
No será para un destino de los que comenta la amiga @chillix en sus post lol
Jajajaja como cual? No tienes un link?
Jajajaja Eric sólo visita el blog de @chilix para que veas los destinos que recomienda, te vas a sorprender con los nombres de esos sitios. Aquí su último descubrimiento jajajaja.
ohhh ¿como no lo había pensado antes?
Puedes mencionarle al compadre anomad, que destinos puede ir recomendados por @chillix.
Estoy segura que si le echa un ojo, los agenda para sus próximos viajes lol
Donde? Cuéntame!
Jajaja bueno manito @anomadsoul, pero no te enojes.
Suponemos que tu viajaras a alguno de estos lugares:
Primero pensamos que ibas a La Berga pero consideramos que quizá no era tu lugar, que un lugar mejor seria si fueras a%20(482).png)
La Vagina seguramente la pasarías mejor.
A la final decidimos que como igual no vamos a ganar el concurso mejor te mandábamos para el El Quinto Coño Cerca de allá hay muchos conocidos.
Jjajaja Deos mido @mariana4ve. Por ahí viene otro de esos lugares para darle mas opciones . ajjajaj.
Me contenta mucho haber ganado este premio amigo @anomadsoul jajaja... pero usted aterriza en Berlin...
moscu :)
Hy I would like to challenge you to a game of pool
Rusia para ir a ver el mundial ?
El Salvador
Philippines 😊
you are stopping over in london then russia to watch the world cup!!!
No words for you cheater! Hahaha :*
Haha I’m cracking up so hard here 😂😂
Para cancun ¿?¿
Wow! Tan cerca!
You are going to Thailand
I think Japan or Philippines?
haha muchos viajes que genial, me encantan las fotos, ademas vas con tu mascota, pues creo que iras a Madrid.
I hope you are planning to come to Hungary, and come watch the fountain in Budapest (lol)... if you do I'll buy you a coffee and give you a tour!
Hi Eric, your next travel will be to the Emirates Arabic LOL or something like that, I just kidding you, Your going to travel in this time to the Panama.
Lol EAU? Im not rich man, I'm actually poor!
I'm going to say America with possibly some Canada thrown in. I predict you're heading to the next Steemfest so will do some travel around that. :D
Steemfest is going to be in South East Asia or Mexico! That's my bet
I think you're going to Ireland.
Yo pienso que tu vas a Irlanda.
Close very close!
Mmm, Escocia?
I'lll say Portugal. The good weather is finally arriving here :)
Already been there my friend!
So if it is a new country.... India!
@anomadsoul, I guess you'll travel to South Africa next time.
I vote for Sri Lanka - they should have a great nature there and at least it is one of the destinations I would want to go soon 😁
@rawadventuressIf, Definitely, Eric come to Sri Lanka I'll care of himself. :)
It would be very interesting to go to there, perhaps after I visit SEA
Detour at Nerherlands to Russia for football world cup.
So close!
Oppss... shsss shsss 😝