I stopped doing milestone posts when I hit the 2k follower mark, not because I don´t like to do them - I mean, who doesn´t like to celebrate milestones - but because I realized some of these posts have a negative impact on some people and rather than encourage them to keep striving to grow organically on Steemit, they get disappointed when they compare themselves to the person posting a milestone and, sometimes some people can even start comitting spam or abusing the platform in an attempt to grow faster.
But the Vegeta milestone is one you can´t miss, I couldn´t let it pass through that easily without some sort of celebration.
This is awesome, as it comes a few days before I turn one year on Steemit. I openen my account on the 22nd of April 2017, but my first post was made on the 27th, so for me that date is my real birthday and I don´t care what anyone else has to say, my birthday is on the 27 :D
Anyway guys. I don´t do it but if you feel like doing it, celebrate your milestone. I´m going to quote myself:
We are so blinded by someone else´s definition of success that oftenly we ignore these small achievements because we think they don´t matter, we are so obsessed with the main goal that we miss out on the opportunity of being happy about the petty accomplisments.
This is not about conformism, it is about recognizing that in every situation or experience, we have something to learn and to celebrate. Don´t let other people lose their way just because things are not happening the way they think they should.
So celebrate your Steemit milestones, just make sure to be clear on how much effort, dedication, hours and sweat you put into building your account, so people are aware that these milestone do not come easily and we must earn them, no one is going to give them to us.
Congratulations. What's a 'vegeta' milestone?
Never heard of the concept! If I never have, chances are most people reading this haven't?
Or am I just completely in the dark-ages on this?
Haha there is a very known chapter in Dragon Ball Z where Goku´s fighting power surpasses 9k units, something never seen before. Vegeta says "its over 9,000!" shouting and getting angry at Goku´s power.
The meme "Its over 9k" is very well known among the memelords of the weird corners of the internet - which im part of. :D
OK thanks... something I know very little about. I'm more of a classical literature manyself. Can't imagine Dickens memes trending quite as well though.
Haha what can I say, I was 12 years old and a fan of anime, it stayed with me and eventually it became a meme within some internet groups :D
Honestly, you are an achiever and a great man of honour. You are not even up to one year and you already have 9000 followers. This is wow.
I remember the day I saw the notification that you followed me, I was so happy and I appreciate it sir. You are one of my role models on steemit and I promised never to disappoint you sir.
Congratulations on this mile stone achieved.
I can't wait to celebrate with you you 1yr on steemit
You are right about how celebrating might make some persons feel bad but there are milestones you can not ignore, right?9000+ followers, that's huge. Congratulations @anomadsoul.
I have some issues with the follow feature though but if it does not do anything at all, it shows that people value ones account enough to follow it.
I pray I get to that number of followers and more some day. It sure gives a cool feeling.
I do not celebrate my milestones that much unless they're really way off the chart like when I hit rep60 sometimes it makes me reminisce hoe far I've come, and things I've achieved you know, it's always amazing, however your milestone is huge, 9k is really big Eric considering that we have more then 800k account here, the success may not be colloquial but it's big
well I can still accept wind if you're throwing a party
well I enjoyed the sneak peak! Congrats on your achievements. No reason not to celebrate them though I get what your saying about it having a negative impact sometimes.
I look forward to seeing more of the cave, and hearing it's history or at least it's name so I can look it up. Caves have always fascinated me, and they are a lot of fun exploring.
Congrats for this milestone! I have more than 5000 Followers now, and this is much more than i imagined. I think it does not count so much if most of them are inactive. More important is reputation, yours is the same as mine, this is so good.
That cave pictures are amazing!
9000 followers? Oh massive achievement of your steemit journey. I know you'll get next 1000 followers within one week. Probably it's celebration party time for you now but I haven't receive anything yet.
Why you get more followers? I confirmly know, you're a man in this platform who's fascinating their hearts.@anomadsoul,
Yep definitely everyone need to follow above content and you can keep going with less troubles. We have to learn from you man. I have big happiness coz when I started follow you. Stay blessed and keep going with your life.
Hahaha over 9000! you can't miss that opportunity. I see what you're saying about others comparing themselves to you and you not wanting them to feel bad about themselves, but I personally don't think that it should be a huge concern. You have all of those followers for a reason - you've been using the platform for a year now and have over 4000 posts and you create good quality content. It is something that others should strive for.
That cave adventure looks cool
Ahahahha I love the Vegeta referrence as I grew up watching Dragon Ball and untill now watch it. Instinct!
I used to do milestone posts as well to keep me motivated and thanking those that at one point of my Steem life like what I wrote to follow me.
I remember this woman who said that I grew so fast as compared to her when I think I grew slow (My first two months was an utter disaster) but it is not healthy to compare as we all have our own pace.
Here is to you for another 9,000 followers!
Amazing and deserved! This is a great post because it allows us to see a kind heart and open public guy can grow fast. So many in crypto are concerned with hiding behind their screen names and no-one really knows them, so why celebrate?
You, on the other hand, are community driven and community friendly. It is great to celebrate with you for us. Too bad it is not around some steamed shrimp and cold beers but we are there in spirit.
Ah man with some beers and good steak it would be awesome, I guess at some point a meetup will have to be held :D
I get your point among the crypto whales and the whole anonimity thing, but given the nature of my blog posts I guess I never even considered being anonimous... but thinking about it, if i had millions in crypto i might not be so open about my whereabouts or dunno hahaha.
Thanks for dropping by man! I appreciate the comment.
Steak does sound better than some shrimp, we can do both. Yes a meetup is in our future, we just have to work that out.
I guess, I never really thought about having a couple millions dollars, lol.
Hello Eric, congratulations for your rapid growth, I include myself in your celebration for being one of your followers so I always read and follow your publications, Vegeta is the Prince of the Saiyan, a great particularity of this character is the gradual change of his personality, goes from being a savage and merciless warrior to a protector of the Earth and father of a selfless family. For my son I know this manga and anime Dragon Ball. I'm going to encourage you to do a post about the Super Saiyajin God phase. Best regards.
Continue in the Struggle to Be the Best.
I did not tend to celebrate every major achievement in Steemit, but now I am very excited and I take more seriously my work here, but although I do not consider it steemit work requires a lot of effort and and much optimism, success has different meanings , for me that is I am barely about to reach the 1000 followers without making spam or anything like that is a success:)
I congratulate you with a large number of followers. I also have a lot of them, but I do not consider it my achievement. These are the most dead followers who did not intend to interact with me. Therefore, I will say so - it is better to have 100 active and active followers. I wish you more active followers, and not just numbers in statistics!
Congraaantss!! That's something really really cool ! Lo que dices es cierto, tenemos que ganarnos los seguidores, tu haces un gran trabajo en steemit, estaré esperando la aventura completa. Publiqué algo y te nombré me gustaría demasiado si me lees. Gracias por siempre ser tan genial, como dicen por ahí: Stay awesome!
Lo voy a leer! Gracias por avisarme! Que linda por venir a comentar querida, saludos!
Hey, that's sick, man! Congratulations! That's some crazy growth for being on the site for only about a year. I've been here for about 1.5 years and I'm definitely not blowing up like you have been, haha.
Also, now I feel like going back and watching some DBZ. Guess I know what I'll do this weekend when I have the time :)
Man, 9k followers is cool..
No problem in celebrating milestones, the people who compare themselves with you are crazy.
Just need to be happy and do our best and we'll be rewarded sooner or later.
Again, congrats
9k is huge
Nah man! We only need to compare ourselves with ourselves! That´s the key for how I do things, I don´t compare myself to anyone :D
Thanks my friend! I am really happy for this accomplishment, no matter how big or small people might think of it, I´m thrilled about it.
Great, you must celebrate it, these things happen vary small amounts in life. Though you had added a adventurous tour photography to your post at the end too,seems auto voters will be happy too.
Hope you reach at position one.
What a beautiful experience the exploration.
Congratulations for those 9k followers believe me we will be more!
It was an amazing exploration! I´m glad you liked it!
This is an incredible milestone, you deserve even more sir. You have been so helpful to steemit community. I wish to follow in your footsteps. i am a baby anyways.
congratulations sir.......
We all started as babies! Keep making good content and interacting with people and follow the steps of the Steemians you look up to! You will get where you want eventually my friend!
Congratulation on this milestone. Seems you really earn this through your valuable content to the community. You worth every bit of the followers.
Congratulation, I just followed you and added to the number
Hi anomadsoul,
Congrats on attracting over 9,000 followers. May you reach 90,000 followers soon.
@anomadsoul you are followed for what you are ,your sincerity ,your behavior towards us and your work obviously ...you are awesome ....i am pround to be your follower....
I understand your logic behind not celebrating the milestones - it's actually quite thoughtful. Still some milestones do deserve a celebration -if only for the sake of your followers. Since I am one of them - I am happily enjoying the reflected glory :-)
Congratulations man
9,000 is a whole lot. And yes, it deserves to be celebrated.
And hey, does a child's birthday count from the day he first spoke or walked....stern lookHappy Steem Birthday in advance man :PHahahahahahaha way to go man, let´s just pretend my birthday is on the 27 :P
To bad it took you just 1 day to long. Otherwise you would have reached this milestone within 1 year.
Sorry I just had to make this terrible joke 😋
Congrats and have fun today!
Haha no! I take my beginning as April 27th! So it was a few days before the year :P
Congratulations man!! You earned it. Someday I'll get there. Now, where is my beer, let's join in the celebration.
Lets drink a glass of coffee to made in party
congrats! :)
Awesome accomplishment! And very nice cave. You weren't cold inside there?
It was very very coold! As you keep going deeper and deeper the cold grows almost unbereable without a sweatshirt. The cave continued a lot more than what I kept going but you needed special verifications and training to keep going :(
This statement got me really laughing to tears, hahaha....
"I opened my account on the 22nd of April 2017, but my first post was made on the 27th, so for me that date is my real birthday and I don´t care what anyone else has to say, my birthday is on the 27"
Congratulations @anomadsoul on this milestone achievement, happiness is intrinsic. Let's go through some party, I've got chilled Kunu drinks already, I know you'd like to taste it, Lol
Congrats brother, next milestone for me is 750! With all your projects and involvement it's well deserved
congrats. next goal 100000.
That cave looks fascinating. Nature is is truly a magnificent artist.
Congrats Eric! That's a great achievement made here. You certainly deserve it. And happy birthday to you, say it here already in case I forget to say that day (will be off to Central Asia in 2 days).
The cave looks lovely! Looking forward to see that whole adventure!
Greetings from Belgium.
You started posting from the first day you joined but can assume that the posts where only posted on the mind and your papers if you do write like me.Congratulations @anomadsoul you deserve it because the information you do pass and also the stress you undergo whenever @sndbox has a contest because I sense you are one of the key leaders.
Congratulations To You.
This is massive. 9,000. Wow!. That's huge. Well done. This is a testament to the good work you have been doing here. You have always been an amazing person and I always enjoy your posts. Well done. Many more landmarks to come.
Is this from the archaeologarchaeological site you talked about? This is really nice. Looking forward to the full posts.
Congratulations. Your gonna hit the 10,000 mark very soon with your dedication and good content posts
Congrats, that is a big accomplishment. Keep up the good work.
nice one :D
I'm saving for the big 10k! You've almost caught me up!
Toda una inspiración amigo algún día celebrare un hito así
You are killing it!! Thanks again so much for the inspiration for the karaoke compilation:) the credit all belongs to you. The submissions are slowly coming in, so far some incredible entries. This never would have happened had I not seen your post:) I would be honored if you entered too !!
Congrats baby;)
Felicitaciones!!! Quien estuviese en esa cueva <3 hermosa :D
You got a 51.58% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @jeanpi1908!
congrats Eric! next milstone not far away!!!
Que bien hermano esa tambien es mi meta donde quiero llegar a 10000 seguidores con temas de importancia, solo voy con 700 pero cada vez me alegro en saber que personas deciden seguirme por lo que coloco.
Congrats!! ^_^ You're doing a great job on steemit, writing really interesting posts and taking the time to connect to and encourage others, it's no wonder so many people want to follow you! And that's a really cool cave! The helmets look like tiny lego helmets :P