
What if, project like *oracle-d keep supporting a single photograph post , and no one even care to downvote such post.

I have seen Oracle D onboarding influencial individuals from other platforms and later it turns out to be their duty to retain them in the platform through fat upvotes.

But voting on like shit posts is not a worth. What about those user who put in maximum efforts and still getting nothing.....and the user I knew is not much of fame still ever Tye actifit post with only 2-3 sentence content are getting $5 upvote....and no whales can take action neither anyone can downvote becoz noone wants to be in mess with such powerful whales

Then you go and downvote and share the link with me too. Like anamad said still there are some good whales who have visions about our community whom we can approach for tackling abuse.

Easy, just tell me or any of the other top witness dudes who like keeping in touch with the community like @acidyo, @crimsonclad and many others and we can bring oracleD's attention to this. I'm sure they'll be open to dialogue :)

Okay @anomadsoul, I will directly DM you the name. Not sure what make oracle-d to vote such post but I do not find any reason that such single photo post or mere actifit post worth $5 upvote from such big project owner

Bro the problem is these technocratic whales, kings of an empire of dust, are crab bucketing it up, trying to MICROMANAGE steem like fucking playing starcraft on n64 bro

it aint gonna work u cant possibly manually curate the internet... let us buy upvotes from bi bots because that was the free market and steembottracker is not some sort of enemy of steem... bid bots are the only reason steem could support such high levels , people found profit in automating things, we cant act like steem is worthy of the manual attention people want or expect us to give a token worth what 10 cents? Its not right to treat us like slaves when we were here building steem too.. we might as well unionize and get the government to outlaw downvoting and fine them at this point i mean shit lol if they wanna play this game we can be absurdist too :D (I hope you are all entertained lol imagine, police telling you that you cant downvote thats cyber bullying lol )

what do we want? for the same 5 people and their friends to be all thats allowed on trending? Are they trying to drive us to and palnet and steemleo because thats whats happening. MASSIVE power downs and

@steemflow who dare to downvote oracle-d supported things 😂 downvotes only targeted to who don't have power to counter them and given by people who have nothing to loose.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is why I'm telling you, tell me or users like those I mentioned and we'll deal with just like we've been trying to deal with other stuff similar to what you mention :D

I am glad we have a place to discuss these things Even if i disagree with you on the importance of bidbots and how this is bad and will end up with massive bid bot owner exodus and steem dumping, I still Thank you for the article nomadsoul

I am sending you 1 PEOSp as a gift and some challangedac tokens both withdrawable as eos tokens on steem engine

Rightly said, that why even mentioning such name may ask for trouble @hungryharish. Would share the name with Ano, and will see where and what the outcome

If big SP holders do such things(unnatural behavior), close your eyes, shut your mouth. You don't see anything you don't talk anything. This is the reason most users including me get frustrated..

While that may have been true a few weeks ago, nowadays most of the big players are open to dialogue and improvement and those who are not, will get outshined by the good players. I get your point, but I haven't seen it happen these past two weeks but as I mentioned above man, if you see it happen you can tell me. I happen to be lucky enough to have a direct channel to raise these topics to top stakeholders/witnesses and I'm sure anything and everything you mention will be addressed, but sometimes we miss these things, that's why we all need the community to be vocal about this stuff.

I am glad you took some of your time to reply to this. I also want to see how far this new hype can go.. Sometimes people complain me being a little bit negative. But I have yet to find a good reason to change that feeling/thinking. Let's hope for the good....I complain because I don't want to see it dying. Otherwise I could have already left the platform rather than wasting my time complaining which in fact won't get me anything.

@anomadsoul. It's really nice seeing you say this.

Unfortunately for me, 😂 I had an encounter yesterday with bernie. Just because I flagged one of his spamming accounts. He came on a downvote spree on my account. You can check my post and comments yesterday.

Is it that it's ok for some whales 🐳 🐳 to spam, self upvote those spammed contents heavily and expect to receive a handshake from minnows who are leaking whale 🐳 balls? And no small account should raise an eyebrow? 💁

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But I thought he is a changed man now as he announced so.

I thought so too dear @katteasis. Obviously, I thought wrong. I believe he's still battling with his old self and I hope he wins😂. It's impossible to change overnight. Real Metamorphosis takes time.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's impossible to change overnight. Real Metamorphosis takes time.

I like this one. :)

Agree,'s kind of asking trouble. I just came across to this user who get continous support without any.conteng put me in lot of question.

Posted using Partiko Android

I was replying to your comment but as it became long I posted to the main thread in a tiny hope of gaining more visibility so as to see community response.Here,

I shared the links to Eric, I am not sure why such things happening and no whale yet bother about putting a restriction on such unconditional support on shit posts. ....a picture post and $5's all whales ...bosses are always right😆