Violet is a flower whose name is given in accordance with the color, that is violet. This beautiful purplish flower display makes it one of the flowers you deserve to make your home more attractive. Usefulness of this flower is often used as an ornamental flower, especially for those who love all things about gardening and know the ins and outs about the type of flowers.
Violet flower itself is not the original flower from Indonesia. The origin of this flower is thought to be from the Americas and spread rapidly to mainland Asia including Indonesia. So no wonder if you can find this flower easily in Indonesia. In addition to being useful to beautify the garden in your home, you can also make this flower as a medicine. Natural content is able to nourish the body and prevent some diseases.

Benefits of violets for health
Respiratory bowel
The benefits of the first violet can be a respirator. These flowers contain good compounds that you can make herbal remedies to overcome various types of diseases that will affect respiratory health, including asthma.Treating a sore throat
Benefits of violets can also be a medicine to treat a sore throat. These beautiful flowers can overcome the pain in your throat resulting from diseases such as cough and inflammation in the throat.Overcoming colds and flu symptoms
Benefits of powerful violets to overcome the symptoms of viral diseases, such as colds and flu. Healthy content contained in this flower will help you ward off viruses that cause influenza in the body.Heal the fever
Benefits of violet flowers you can use to cure the symptoms of hot body due to fever. If your child often experiences many hot body symptoms, you can use this flower to help control body temperature.Natural cough medicine
Benefits of violets you can use to cure cough, especially cough with phlegm. This purple flower will help your phlegm easier to melt so that the recovery of the throat from cough will be faster.Overcoming flatulence
One of the benefits of a good violet for your body is able to overcome a bloated stomach and heartburn. The content of compounds that exist in this flower is able to release the gas in the stomach which is often the cause of bloating abdomen.Drugs of skin diseases
Some skin diseases such as cans and ulcers can be prevented by using violets. This flower is very safe for the health of your skin by accelerating the drying of wounds as in the scabs.Overcoming insomnia
Do you have trouble every time you want to sleep? You may have symptoms of insomnia. To fix this, you can use violets. This flower has natural properties to make your mind calm and easy to rest.Drugs and headaches
Symptoms of headache and dizziness can be treated with violets. This flower has a natural content that you can use to overcome the pain that attacks the upper part of your body.Anti-inflammatory
Health function that exist in violet one of them is anti inflamasi. Usefulness of this function is to help you in overcoming the symptoms of inflammation that invades the body. Inflammation of the intestines and throat can be treated easily.

See my post and vote my last 3 post and I will upvote you 100% in one hour.... No reply
I never knew! We have violets in Hawaii so this is very helpful. Mahalo and Aloha from Hawaii 🌴😎🌴
thanks a lot, because the original violet from the american. if in your area many ordinary violet flowers are used for health naturally ..
I want to try