Be Yourself

in #busy7 years ago

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You can't afford not to be you. You can't afford just to go to work so that you can get paid. You can't afford not to see what your greatness is.

You will knocked down but you won't be knocked out, so I want you to empower yourself because whatever you are going through right now they are just temporarily inconviniences. They are not stronger than you are.

" you can't afford not to be you"

Where have you been? Why are you here? Where are you going? Look at your life, look at what you have produced, is it giving you what you want? Are you living on purpose? Are you living your dreams? Are you acting on your ideas? Are you doing all you can do? Or have you gotten comfortable with your life? Or are you still procrastinating? Are you learning something different? Where are you going with your life?

I don't care how hard you fail or how many times you failed, I don't care if nobody else believe in you, it only takes you believing in yourself to get it done. But if you fail I want you to fail forward.

Are they going to be some moments when you will want to give up? Yes
Are they going to be moments when your dreams will seem impossible? Yes

But don't let the distractions distract you, you gotta keep moving don't stop.

All of us have made some mistakes in life. All of us have done something's that if we have the opportunity to do them again we will do them differently.

It's your boy @ayahlistic I just want to encourage you.