Mel Foy

in #busy7 years ago


Ingredients The dough

  • Kilogram text.
  • quarter kilo soft butter.
  • an egg.
  • Baked yeast bag.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of yeast.
  • salt.
  • 3 tablespoons sugar synda
  • Cold water from the refrigerator.

How to prepare

Mix all the ingredients because we get a thick dough and combine it with water to bond. We let him rest and pull it down and turn it like what is visible in the picture and let it rest for 15 minutes and repeat the process 3 times. As if we were preparing the dough but not the butter

Note: This dough can be used in a large quantity and kept in the freezer for use. Is the alternative to the dumplings.

So the dough is ready. We work in the furnace and follow it and enter it into the oven


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