But this hope is diluted when those who administer the country's wealth, they do it with disorder, they are not transparent, they misjudge economic measures every time, the economy became systematically more dependent on oil income, income without which it is not possible to import the goods required to satisfy the basic needs of the population, including a wide range of items that were previously produced in the country. The assistance policy on the transformation of the economic model was prioritized during these years, poverty of income was reduced, without altering the structural conditions of exclusion. By identifying socialism with statism, through successive nationalizations, the Bolivarian government expanded the state sphere far beyond its management capacity. Consequently, the State is now larger, but at the same time weaker and more inefficient, less transparent, more corrupt. The widespread military presence in the management of state agencies has contributed significantly to these results. Most of the companies that were nationalized, in the cases in which they continued operating, did so thanks to the oil rent subsidy. Both the social policies, which significantly improved the living conditions of the population, as well as the many solidarity and integration initiatives in Latin America, were possible thanks to the high oil prices. Ignoring historical experience in relation to the cyclical nature of commodity prices, the government operated as if oil prices were going to keep indefinitely above $ 100 per barrel. Given that oil came to constitute 96% of the total value of exports, practically all the currencies that have entered the country in these years have been through the State. Through an exchange control policy, an unsustainable parity of the currency was accentuated, which meant a subsidy to the economy as a whole
The well-known French author Jules Verne affirmed that "while there is life, there is hope". Both sentences could be applied correctly in the case of Venezuela, despite the fact that thousands of people daily express their impotence and anger bitterly at what is happening, especially in the economic sphere, suffering hardships of all kinds, without so far A solution is perceived in the short or medium term.