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RE: It was a rough night at the track

in #busy7 years ago

We had the field covered at Winternationals one year. #1 qualifier headed for Sunday and a pretty good shot at winning a huge race. 1st round against Gene Snowman Snow, we had .6 on him. Driver deep staged and shut down immediately after the start. 0 oil pressure and he tried to get Snowman to red light. The laminate bottom of the oil pan had broken loose and closed the oil pickup.

Alan Johnson came to the trailer immediately after and uttered some of the truest words ever spoken. "Some days God just doesn't want you to win". 30 years ago.

I guess things haven't changed. I know how shitty that feels.


I truely could not have said it better. It is really nice having another motor head on here that understands the way stuff happens. Thank you . I do appreciate you stoping through and droping wisdom and experience on me.