HF-20 was so bad, i called for its immediate reversal.
To which was responded, "they can't".
All the pieces in this new hard fork seem reversible...
So, to fight the bid bots, they are going to close one hole, and open another, potentially BIGGER hole.
Where, lets say you are selling votes, and now, you can't offer as much reward to the post, so your price has to go down, but you will get a much bigger curration coming back , so you make more money.
Or basically, instead of having one account for bot bidding, you have two. And we all know how easy it is to have two accounts now with RCs.
In the end, this is an ill conceived hard fork.
It will not do anything they are saying... so what is steemit's real intentions?
And, that search function, i have been replying about that for years now. It is truly what they should have been working on. It is the most important thing bar something that just crashes steem.
It's starting to look like they intend to keep us down.
Losing is the new winning.
Chump said, you are going to "win" so much you are going to get tired of "winning".
Maybe you are correct.
The blockchain doesn't lie.
I wish i was wrong.