Remember How Barbie- Publicly Promised Not To Contact Again- Unless We Paid her 1 BITCOIN. Then Barbie- Contacts Us Again- Right Away No Less. Just Couldn't keep it's PUBLIC PROMISE. Then declares us to be Immature Peons who can't stand up for ourselves- Yet it is BARBIE who sent out the Message for back-up from it's Clown Crew Insane Male -To-Female- Transgender Posse- for REINFORCEMENTS.
Furthermore from reading your past posts- looks like most of them HAD NOTHING AT ALL to do with LBGT issues. That these things followed you to your Steemit blog- from a Discord Chat site?
I dont want to get you in any more of a shit show- but I am now wondering if the Woman to Man Transgenders have such a Graphic Psycho Issue as well. In the past in real life - Chicago- I interacted with a few Male -to-female Transgenders & the insanity thing with them always- eventually reared its head. I kept my interactions at Arms- Length.
Now in Florida- I have a Female -to-Male Transgender that I happened upon. My first one, that I know of at least. So far the person seems normal. And last summer- when we had a Hurricane in Florida- my place was in an mandatory Flood Zone Evacuation area. The-Woman to Man Transgender was the only one I knew- not in a Flood Zone Evacuation area- & let me take refuge at their place (along with a diverse group of other people).
So I am just wondering if this Mental Issue is also prevalent in the Female To Male Transgenders?