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RE: What's Your Favorite Climate Change Study?

in #busy5 years ago

So. I'm a somewhat conservative hipster.
Yes. Climate change is real and sucks.
I work at a coffee shop. I look like one of those whiney people who brings up these topics in conversation where it doesn't belong. Because I'm the cute barista in the flannel, they seem to think I harbor notions similar to them. It is saddening how intellectual diversity is discouraged.

Here's an example:
A customer and I were talking about how we're both artists. And she was saying she practices many art forms and that she feels obligated to pick one art form to stick with.
And I brought up Leonardo DaVinci, who engaged in dozens of different categories of artistry activities
She said
Well. He wasn't dealing with climate change.

.-. which suggests that because the Earth is aging and it's hot outside, that she is somehow put upon as a woman and artist.

Mr. DaVinci lived in a time where he was prosecuted for being gay..but at least it was nice outside.

The fuck.

The victimhood in our society is absurd. Some child crying solves nothing and in no way makes a point any more valid or important.

Just my two cents. C: