Excuse me, but I made a mistake by posting twice in two different tabs! I'm sorry...
I started, at the same time as the writing of my post a little experiment, because I wanted to measure the time lost spent on Steemit, the discord, busy..., which will last 24 hours and which will consist in quantifying, with a stopwatch and everything 😄 a lot of site that I found during my research, the time I spend on Steemit, just to better realize myself.
The theme of my post appeared to me very quickly as a matter of course, a necessity, but it took me a long time to get started on writing may be for fear of discovering the results of the chronometer, for fear of being frightened by the reality, for fear of the impact that this could have on my health, on yours, on my biological rhythm and the fact that I embarked on a frantic quest for information on the subject.
Obviously, I don't stop the stopwatch during my research, nor during the time I'm on MarkdownPad and not on the Internet, it seems logical to me.
I don't feel guilty thinking that unlike fb, which is the only social network I use, I don't waste my time on Steemit!
I'm learning a lot, especially about crypto. and it's exciting, I discover a world of people who are rich in culture and who share it with us, I travel, I laugh, a lot too.
In addition, by posting articles that I enjoy preparing, _ I would never have imagined it! _ by commenting on the steemians articles that I'm really starting to appreciate, for those that they are, for what they do... I'm rewarded 😄😄😄 so I really say to myself, without feeling like I'm lying to myself, that I'm not wasting my time, but on the other hand, it's undeniable, I spend time there, a lot of time, too much time?!?
As I told you at the beginning, I started to collect a lot of information, not on the subject "time consuming" because I had all the elements I needed, but I wanted to know if there were tools to help me better manage, to organize myself, to set objectives according to the factual elements that I gathered, to control myself maybe...
And here, fortunately I was sitting, at the same time it's more convenient in front of his PC 😄😄 because I didn't think I would find so many sites that offered solutions for hyper-connection on social networks but not only.
I have two sites in particular:
- The first one is called KeepMeOut! I go there, at first, just to see if it's being used very much, not knowing how I could know its traffic.
You don't have to look for 100 years, though, wow. The site displays the number of people who want to "refrain" from visiting too often this or that site.
So we see that 6,083,681 warnings have been issued!!! I did not manage to obtain the exact date of creation but it is a priori in 2017, so by admitting that it was 01/01/2017, which would mean that 60,836 people per day used this service, supposedly because they could not manage themselves.
This site, depending on the settings you have predefined, is responsible for notifying you that you have used Steemit too much, for example, and suggests you come back later! Of course, this is not a strict ban but rather a notification. with a reminder. I must admit that I didn't take the time to install it because I don't think I need it!
On the other hand, before moving on to the second site, I notice one last thing, which challenges me.
The list of the 10 most affected sites:
01- facebook. com,
02- youtube. com,
03- twitter. com,
04- tumblr. com,
05- Instagram. com,
06- google. com,
07- vkontakte. ru,
08- netflix. com,
09- gmail. com,
10- reddit. com.
I thought I only saw social networks coming out, no, Netflix, You tube, worse Gmail.
Some people, does she feel so obnubile, harassed?! that they need KeepMeOut!
And there, I have the impression that hyper-connection poses more problems than I suspected.😢
On this subject, I find this:
Liuba Belkin of Lehigh University, as well as Virginia Tech William Becker and Samantha Conroy of the University of Colorado are formal: employees are "exhausted" by the constant need to check their emails after hours.
And then this:
People who feel compelled to reply to e-mails about their rest hours become emotionally exhausted[...] They are no longer able to cut with work when they return home, while it is in the private sphere that they can recover and recharge their batteries, says Professor Conroy.
Which makes my worries grow, and I'm still a little bit more nervous. 😢
- The second one is called Be Limitless and now I really love it. It's actually a great extension that I would really take the time to set up correctly to help me be more productive!
For the moment, I just installed it, at first, because it quantifies the time spent on each site.
I notice from the outset the superb images that make me want to stay. So I'm discovering it around 2:00 in the morning.
Today, while writing my post, I notice that she quantifies everything well, so everything is great! it fulfills its purpose. Every time I open a new tab, under Chrome, she gives me advice that I found very basic, but full of common sense.
As I am French, the message is in French, and he says to me: take a break!
The message says: how about a little nap?
Advice that I do not apply, obviously, not, too much taken by the writing and the result of my research, which make me, by the way, more and more hallucinating...
I wouldn't even listen to the most obvious thing that told me to go eat!
All these tips, however, make me want to explore a last point that has been working on me for about three days, more precisely since @planetenamek complained of persistent headache resistant to medication.
I find a Swiss site that I will quickly take the time to deconstruct because I really like the Swiss people's conception of health. There are a lot of articles on the subject, including children's issues, I am doubly interested and increasingly worried, I must confess.
The blue light emitted by tablets and other computer monitors blocks the secretion of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone,"explains Professor Thomas J. Wolfensberger, interim medical director of the Jules-Gonin Ophthalmic Hospital in Lausanne. The result: at night, the screen keeps us insidiously awake, the melatonin production shifts, and we are exhausted during the day. "Ideally, get away from any screen two hours before bedtime..."
Well... I'll stop there and remember three things:
- about Steemit, I really don't feel like I'm wasting my time but spending too much time! it's undeniable;
I'm actually starting to get used to it, nicely, getting back to order by my husband, huh! @irishcoffee!
- i really need to act, and quickly, to organize myself better and more efficiently and I start immediately as soon as I post, bye, bye, bye, and see you tomorrow;
- my health, your health, my family, your family must be our priority!!!
To conclude, I'm going to extend my experiment which was supposed to last 24 hours over a week to really realize it!
This is what I have recorded so far: I didn't log off for 6 hours...
Steemit does take a lot of time, but like you say it's time well spent.
While on FB you just post all and scroll on, here you take time for a decent post, and a decent comment. At least, I hope that's what people do.
As far as sites like keepmeout are concerned, it may be they have some tool which companies can use, this can have an effect on the numbers.
Nice and helpful post, looking forward for more amazing post like this, you're doing great work :-)
Nice post and I enjoy seeing French being more active on Steem! Bien joué ;)
Oh :-) Thanks, merci et merci !