Your choices are the reason you are who you are today. When you look back, maybe thinking you shouldn't have done a particular thing, don't stay there. Live for this very moment. After all, this moment is what really matters, your past has come and gone. I looked like someone who'd had a night, and had a story to tell about it. I would apologize for my rudeness, if I had any manners. Happily, I don't. And she kept following the truck, like we were a very small parade, waving and waving, until Frank took the curve in the road and then she was gone. If you want to have the time of your life, change how you use the time in your life. The things that may change our world to make better; smiling, helping, respecting, loving & forgiving. there are wishing stars in the heavens as well as angels in God's service.
With respect,
I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve taught me.