Keep Your Mouth Shut Or Else!
I made the mistake of trying to give MY OPINION on a new battle that seemed to be starting between @berniesanders and @fulltimegeek. I wasn't vicious towards anyone (other than maybe @ned), and frankly I think the message is one that everyone should hear. I was trying to get people to focus on Steemit and the reasons why people are leaving.
And for this, not only was that comment downvoted, but so was almost all of my payout of my post coming due downvoted. I guess speaking your mind and offering constructive advice doesn't sit well with some folks.

Here is the exact unedited comment I made so that you can judge for yourself (link):
Bottom line is that all you guys need to realize that this place is going to die without new blood. You can take what you can, but the "take" is getting smaller every day. When I got here 10 months ago, Steem was $8... Now its $0.80 ... That means its lost 90%.
You and @fulltimegeek can fight all you want (and add in @haejin too), but the bottom line is that people like me are leaving in droves. You can fight for the scraps and maybe live another year, but I'm telling you this place was loved by many at one point. It was something that kept us coming back religiously. Now... not so much.
And if you think that limiting people's ability to be "social" (like @ned wants) is the answer, then you are in the "grab what you can" phase that he's in.
Its ok to do what you want. All of you. This is life and people should be free to make their own choices. But if you don't open your eyes and see what is happening below you, then you will wake up one day and say "wow, why didn't anyone tell me".
I suggest a different path...
I suggest that you and @fulltimegeek and others like you quit bickering and talk some fucking sense into @ned. Steemit was revolutionary... That made Steem attractive. If you turn it into another cryptocoin, then it will suffer the fate of the other 99% of alt coins out there. Think about what makes Steem special, and you guys have the answers if you focus on what your competitive advantages are.
Good luck to all... I'm out.. Thanks for listening to those that got this far!

Flags Used To Punish And To Keep Control
The funny thing is the post he flagged to send the message was actually upvoted by the same accounts at the time. But now when he didn't like what I had to say, then I guess "I must be punished". Taking away not only the rewards of the comments, but flagging me of what payout I had coming definitely worked to send a message. I got it loud and clear:
conform or be destroyed
Sadly, there are only a few that will try to fight against this message being "the message" that tons of people receive here. Most like @ned and the whales won't do a damn thing to their fellow whale buddy, nor will they attempt to fix the message. Yes there are a few like @fulltimegeek and @lyndsaybowes and handful of other that will try, but the bottom line is they are too few and not strong enough to do it on their own.

And They Wonder Why We Left...
This place has some wonderful people and many with awesome intentions. To them I say you've earned my respect and I'm truly grateful we crossed paths.
This place has some greedy and mean assholes too. To them I say you having to live with yourselves is punishment enough in this life (both here and in the real world).
And finally, this place has a lot of ostriches as well. To them I say nothing will ever get fixed if you (and your fellow ostriches) don't get your head out of the sand.
A few ostriches are tolerable, but when leaders like @ned and the whales don't do anything to stop the real abuses that are obvious, then please don't wonder why we left.

Okay.... Real quick johndoer vent.
Man fuck those people sir. They don't give a shit about you or others that do more for the community then they ever have(or probably will.) You, asher, fulltime, surpassinggoogle, and so many more. You guys are the heart and soul of of this place. Yous are the ones who keep guys like me (and so many others) coming back. All they care about is MONEY and POWER. (CONTROL) They are they nerds who were picked on and had the shit beat out of them in school. Now they're "adults" and instead of using their positions to ensure equality, they have become the shithead bullies themselves. They've attacked other great leaders/helpers of the community as well. One in particular that comes to mind is bunnypuncher. He was giving away over 200sbd a month in his simple "leave any comment" posts. Then he started a bidbot called bpclan.... AND.... BOOM, here come the flags. They hit him so hard he had to quit his give away. Actually until today he hadn't posted for about a month. His contest was a daily contest, so he is VERY missed by a lot of people. Any way, I'm rambling, as I'm known to do. Bottom line...remember, its not just you guys they're hitting. And i am always here to support you. And quite frankly i wouldn't blame you if you said fuck this place, and these assholes and left. Also truthfully, this place has lost its vigor and isn't much fun any more.
I do hope they leave you alone. You don't deserve it. You're a great guy that is always trying to help everyone. I love you brother and hopefully this will all be resolved without to much more harm.
after the fact.Thank you for the very nice things you said about me in your "vent". I think the world of you too btw @johndoer! :) ... And I think your synopsis was spot on and while many at the top will never read it, it is something that many of us feel. That's a terrible thing that happened to @bunnypuncher, I saw that bot the other day and didn't know anything about it. I like that you pointed out how his absence is being felt and its a lesson that many will find out only too well
Its great hearing from you and glad you are still tuning in. I agree this place isn't as much fun as it used to be and hopefully that can change one day soon. As for me, I'll continue to show up and see how this goes... there's just too many very good people like you that I don't want to walk away from.
Always great to see you and don't forget to reach me on discord one of these days soon! ;)
Well, thank you for your kind words also. I have thought about "i wonder how many people have actually left". And so ive started going through my already whittled down following list. I'm surprised(kinda) at how many aren't posting or are only posting weeklyish. And I actually kind of forgot about getting a hold of you there. Im sorry, been busy. But i will right now. Because i have another question for you.
yes the number of posts has gone down a ton. I'm glad to see people hanging in there and doing at least a post a every week or so though!
I'm not so sure they are hanging in there. These last two days I've received like a dozen messages of people who had lost motivation - which I can fully relate to. It's because I don't know where to find the info that I don't know, but I bet people are leaving dozens at a time.
stats from last Friday, the number of posts is going up again. And on Friday, 5,134 new accounts were created. I hope they were created by the dApps, because if this would be real users, I pity them...According to @penguinpablo's
There's also a lot more powered down than there is powered up - which is no surprise of course...
Yes I don't have anything other than comments to me and my intuition, but I am hearing the same thing. I am hoping that it is not completely giving up and more of a protest. But its definitely different and you might be right that my characterization of them "hanging in there" my be too kind. (because they might be gone)
I wish they would get the part about the new accounts making 10 comments isn't good enough, because that is a change they can make rather fast once they realize how significant it is.
Instead they act like "spam" is the real problem and want to control those messages at the bottom. I hope they don't let it go too far before they fix it (and they will fix it, its only common sense).
There was an official announcement that they are working on an RC delegation pool.
Everyone is talking about ' a fix', but personally I don't believe for a second they are going to hand out the RC delegations for free. It's just another source of income for the big accounts, and a luxury for the smaller accounts that can afford it. And the others... they will still be muted.
introductory post says enough.
If you want a site to attract investors, there is no place for redfish and minnows...They really wanted to turn this into a busines platform. I've been approached by someone from... I lost the name of the group..., but they were actively working for @oracle-d. The
All the above are just my assumptions. Who knows they might surprise me and throw around the RC delegations like they are Santa Clause and we live happily ever after...
You have the ostriches, but you forgot to mention the lions! People like you who are brave enough to voice their opinon.
Even after getting burned for it, I might add!
Thank you for that very nice compliment @nomadicsoul! I'm honored you'd make such a statement :)
How dare ya give an honest opinion!
I know... The nerve of me! :P
True and true.
You get flagged just by comment on this comment.
Ha ha ha
Posted using Partiko iOS
that's funny and not far from the truth! :P
Vicious cycle. I had a 'difference of opinion' conversation earlier today with unnamed steemian and the topic of flagging was brought about. My community support project might be flagged upon too. We will see! The joys of this platform.
Yes, in theory it would work if they limited it to their reaction to something said and thus show their thoughts about a particular point/post/comment. But when they then abuse that power and use it as a tool to suppress, then they have gone too far. I hope some big boys start policing their own because otherwise the "joys of this platform" will be too much to handle! :)
I tried to manage the comments so I didn't give you a full upvote. But I failed. So if you comment again, then I will make up the difference! :D
From @berniesanders: "An active player in the social game? You REALLY think I care about the social aspect of this blockchain?" that was one of the responses he left. @mightypanda: "^^ This guy deserves a downvote" a comment he left here, so @berniesanders downvoted it. Now since @mightypanda did not downvote the person, just pointed them out, and @berniesanders downvoted him, (remember he does not care about the social aspects), why would he down vote that person? He talks about shit post, yet he can do a post with a title only and 200 + of his sycophants upvoted and it garnered 109 comments, (granted a few were bernie responses). But he does not care for the social aspects then why should he care for about the shit post. he wants to self vote, but when @haejin was self voting and getting a big vote from that ranchlexo person he was upset about it. Robbing from the reward pool he called it. @berniesanders is no different than a hypocritical religious priest telling people to do what I say not what I do.
Personally I would like to see @berniesanders only self vote, then all these hangers on of his would go away since he would not be throwing them peanuts every now and then. It is his vote and he can use it how he wants, he just does not want anyone else to have that option. He is after all a part of the me-too crowd. I want my cake and I want it now and I will lie, beg, borrow, cheat, and steal to get it, and if you try to stop me I will tell the whole world how you made me a victim.
Dude, do your research before mentioning people, bernie had a downvoted before my comment and I just pointed out this person based on his comment. I don't downvote people for disagreement.
Hey @mightypanda... First thanks for reading and looking out for me on the post/comments. And I also wanted to tell you that @bashadow is a good guy like yourself. I think you both just got off on the wrong foot, but I have no doubt that you would get along if you guys get past this little mixup. Just an fyi, both of you are very good peeps! :)
Lately i have found people get triggered too easily and start looking for some reason to blame. Even light weight comments attracts too much scrutiny. I usually try to avoid all this. Mostly because i m not the intellectual type and my only interests are finance and programming.
so much negativity at the moment.
Part of that is fear that it won't get fixed. Very few above us will admit that Steemit will get more RCs to the new users. The worry is that no new blood will come in (and stay), because they can't do much. I've seen it first hand myself, so I know the frustration is real. The negativity stems from the belief that they don't get it.
I am not going to steemD every post I read. Had you clarified and made your comment a question such as "I wonder why?" then I would not have mentioned your name. I am not going to hover over every time stamp either, and the only way to have determined when the downvote occurred would have been to use steemd. You could have tried like D-pend and educate the person about his comment instead of making it look like you called for someone to downvote the person.
Why do the research when you can write a comment to make yourself sound smart?
How's that for a question?
Speaking of research, I have never claimed to be smart. I have also never said someone deserves to be down voted, but then again I have always said a person's vote is their vote to do with as they want.
You may not down vote people but your comment made it look like you have no qualms about having others take care of your dirty work.
As I pointed out had you taken time to educate the person then this self defense of your comment, would not be taking place.
And your question is not a question at all it is a statement on your part, once again sidestepping the embarrassment of being lumped in with @berniesanders. So I suggest you do as I am about to do, place me on mute so you do not have to have your sensitive eyes view my comments, no need to reply to this you are going on mute as soon as I hit the post key.
Hey @bashadow, always great to get your thoughts and opinions. You are always there with some insightful information and analysis. Not much gets by you and I appreciate you sharing it freely (at your own risk too). I think the people at the top should realize that their treatment of others has an effect on the whole value of the chain. If they don't like the social aspect, I don't know why they don't just delegate like the other whales and get their return that way. Its kinda nutty to "run everyone off" by downvoting to show you have more ability to cause harm.
ps... I think you and @mightypanda got off on the wrong foot. Both of you are great guys that I vouch for, so just letting you know that your both on the same team! :)
I am sure he is a great guy, some differences are just not fixable. So as to avoid any other situations I did as I said, and muted him.
You sound pathetically butthurt.
Me nope, just no time for people that like to justify their actions and pat themselves on the back, instead of taking responsibility for their actions. I have seen far to many people look and laugh at people that have had accidents hurt themselves or died. I don't care how you, haejin, fulltimegeek, or anyone else uses their vote, It is after all yours. I do have a problem with people pointing fingers and laughing at others misfortune, then trying to justify their actions. Easier to just mute them. What he did was point, laugh, and try to justify.
I would like nothing more than for someone like you to represent the people who are really trying to make a difference here at SteemFest3 and see what they have to say about the current state of affair on Because as far as I know, there are many other platforms being developed that will probably soon overtake if we don't learn from the lessons and improve on what we have here. But I hope that there are other ways to get the message across to those that need to hear it...
Thank you very much @plushzilla.. and its very good to see you :) I completely agree with you that other platforms are/will be springing up all the time going forward. I hear that they are "working on it", but I don't really see anything that addresses the "social aspect". I hope its so, because you are right and sometimes its the delivery of the message that makes all the difference in the world!
So are you planning to be at SteemFest3 or maybe SteemFest4? :)
lol... Hell I don't even know what I'm doing this weekend... that's way too long from now :P
Excellent post. I think these are the real issues. I think there is more going on behind the scenes than we are lead to believe. Ned made some comments recently about building a brand new interface (app) to interact with steem that is in a separate corporate structure to steemit. It will probably get worse before it gets better but most of them (but not all) can see the blood dripping out of the open wound at the moment and they know they have to fix it. You get bickering on any platform. I am hoping this period of chaos will result in a much improved user experience . Its not easy trying to do a social media based blockchain. Just look at WeKu and people going over in droves to avoid the spam here and now coming back as WeKu has degenerated into platform for spammers and scammers. Ultimately no one has solved these problems that steem is trying to solve and the grass always seems greener elsewhere. Lets hope we can succeed.
I'm with you and hope steemit (or some social version using Steem) survives and then succeeds! I appreciate the fact that you took the time to read the post and to give a thought out reply. Many older Steemians don't do that, especially one that is a little more critical. I think many of the people that read my blog will appreciate the fact that you took the time to explain your position.
And while I realize that there are things that need to be fixed and addressed (and that takes time), I think more people would be more comfortable if they had an inkling that people are working on fixing them. The impression many have is that the problems are falling on tin ears, so if that's truly the case, it would be awesome if they can improve the message. ;)
I would say most people I encounter love many of the aspects of the technology, plus more importantly have invested tons of time and make great connections. So I don't think they need to be afraid to say "we are going to improve this or that".
Thank you again, that is really cool to get that message from you @intrepidphotos!
Thanks. Likewise appreciate you taking the time to reply to my comment.
When I now have new (rep 25) people responding to my comments as a private message on discord, because they're RC won't allow them to comment on their own posts, it seems pretty impossible that new users will join or stay. Doesn't make any sense at all to me anymore.
Give me a list and I'll sort them out x
One is @cendrinemedia ... ready to quit already :(
Thank you so much for tagging me @davemccoy! Yes, markangeltrueman and I are giving out some delegations and it looks like Ashman is willing to help as well. I did check out cendrinemedia and it looks like they posted 3 times in the last 24 hrs and still have plenty of RCs? Just making sure I got the correct username
If you come across anyone having issues please send them our way! There are plenty of people willing to help as we all figure out how this works long term. Thank you!
@llfarms, @lynncoyle1
She received a donation from someone earlier today, which gave her the ability to power up. She sent me a note, because she wanted to retract her entry in my contest. She didn't think it was fair now she had been able to power up to 70+SP
Ah makes sense.. I didn’t dig, just took a quick glance. So glad someone was able to help her out. Thanks for letting me know!
Thanks for the info @simplymike! And for helping out as always!
Hello there! "They" is "she" as you can see on my profile photo. ;-)
Yes, someone very kindly made me a huge donation of Steems last night. As a result, I felt that it would be unfair to keep my name in the list. But without that help, I would have been stuck at 23 SP for a very long time.
@llfarms, no worries. ;-) The current SP doesn't allow me to engage as much before. Before the hard fork, I was VERY active. That's how I came across a lot of great content and bloggers. But now, I have to be very careful about what I do, even with this wonderful gift. I see that I am allowed about 8 posts at a time, which doesn't leave much room, since I post twice a day...
@davemccoys, nice to meet you as well! I cannot comment freely, for the reasons I mentioned above. But it's better than posting and then having to wait before my RCs are fully recharged.
It's wonderful to know that users are trying to help minnows. This hard fork really killed the experience for me. I loved Steemit but now I am thinking of focusing on other platforms...
Ah yes, I just put your username into Steemd to see the current status and hasn’t made it to your profile yet (at work but our delegation will be announced later so wanted to add anyone I needed to). Sorry about that 😉. So glad to hear that you received a gift, and very considerate of you to take yourself out of the running. Do you feel that with your current SP you able to engage as normal?
Nice to meet you @cendrinemedia! And I'm glad that they got you to a point where you can comment freely! If you run across any others in the future that are in your position, then feel free to let @abh12345 and @llfarms know as both of them are very aware of the situation and friendly towards helping the new steemians going!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for being there and helping @llfarms! I will keep sending them your way when I find them!
@llfarms @abh12345 @lynncoyle1 I can give delegations as well. I don't want new users to get frustrated and leave
Thank you so much @nomadicsoul :)
awesome Lynn... keep feeding them to Asher and @llfarms
Thanks for helping Asher. And if you run out of ability, @llfarms is also helping the newbies that have this problem.
You can find a list on my contest post. I've added a couple of names myself, because those people reached out to me on Discord. Haven't checked out all their profiles yet, but there are a couple we surely need to keep here
Awesome again @simplymike... Keep letting both Asher and @llfarms know when you run across more. We might not be able to change the policy yet, but we can at least help a few get to the people that can make a difference! Thank you for your help!
Apparently they are working on an RC delegation system
Posted using Partiko Android
that will be another way to help for sure. Its not the way I would've solved it, but its a step in the right direction and I hope it happens soon!
But it's gonna be a paid one, if I didn't misunderstand what I read yesterday...
yes Lynn I agree. I think they really need to rethink the amount they are charging for the comments. I know that Asher replied that he will help (and also @llfarms said she will also help too), so that is something at least to help us out until such time as @ned and the rest of the braintrust figures this out. So take Asher and @llfarms up on their offer to help the newbies, they are a decent option compared to the alternative of doing nothing.
Its good to see you and tell Brian I said "hi"!
Please send them to my contest post, @lynncoyle1. They can enter by contacting me on Discord (simplymike#5957)
Are you kidding me? So far for freedom of speech... :0(
What use does it have to stay if you can't disagree with someone without getting downvoted, and then called an 'unfortunate victim'...
I'm with you... Its incredible to read this stuff and wonder how the hell Steem ever got to $8 in the first place... And its incredible (x 1000) that they think it will be going back to $8 unless they make some changes and listen to the users like us that are trying to help them.
Thanks @davemccoy for your opinion, which I think has a lot of Truth to it, and fearlessness in what you believe. Very commendable :)
Thank you very much for that terrific compliment @robertandrew. That's truly an awesome thing to say!
Following some of the comments I'm happy to see that there are still the amazing "old faithfuls" who I've come to know in my few months here. Well done on community minded mentality and compassion towards each other and the new and disillusioned. Sorry that you've had such a rough time @davemccoy. Well done on sticking to your guns. You know the saying that the tallest tree catches the wind.....
Thanks @buckaroo! That is a very nice thing to say and love the application of that saying here! :)
You speak much truth. It is too bad that things have become difficult.
I've also talked to newbies who want to participate but can't because of the RC restrictions - while people at the top can still punish those whom have offended them to their hearts' content.
This seems to be the year of killing off good things. First Google +, Facebook is slowly dying too, is Steem also going to go the way of the dodo?
(BTW, Whaleshares and WeKu seem okay at the moment, but the community here is better - even when interspersed between whale wars.)
Thanks for the input @viking-ventures... I actually signed up for whaleshares myself today to check it out. I agree that I like the community here too, but that assumes that all my friends stay. Many have been telling me there are either leaving or have left, but sadly the people on top don't seem to see the damage being done.
Well, if most of Steem migrate to Whaleshares, it will be the same community, just a different place. :-)
I've already seen some of the big curation groups over on WeKu as well. Qurator is there, for instance.
good point :P
you're one of the rare steemians who see it clearly. whales have complete control (including ned, the biggest one). it's stopping the platform from being decentralized and censorship resistant. i dunno what '1account1vote' is going to be like, but if it doesn't work, i bet even more people are gonna leave.
its nice to see you "get it" as well... I think the platform has much potential, but at the same time they need to do a better job of reigning in there own. Some of the stuff done here is simply childish and creates negative tone that turns users off.
For sure steem has massive potential, but its not living up to it. Either steemit inc wakes up and do a better job or step back and let someone else figure shit out. As long as this platform stays centralized over a few individuals its got no future unfortunately..
I never called you a fool... crazy yes... fool no! lol... jk PK
And yes that is something that I like about you, you are blessed with an good ability to see right from wrong. I wish that trait could be taught, I'd hire you in a second to give that course to quite a few that I've encountered here!
😂It's true that I can be a little crazy at times, but who isn't? It's not always about right from wrong either Dave, but about blindly following something without thinking it through or what can go wrong. I like to think ahead about the possibilities and prefer at least a little caution when approaching things or situations. People will always have alterior motives. You know what I mean😇
Posted using Partiko Android
I do... and I was just kidding about you being crazy... ;)
Reading this make me sad. The abuse of power by downvoting and remove your payout is unessessary. Maybe these guys should go duke it out in real life instead. Some blood and bruises will knock some sense into ‘em.
Yes I think that would stop a lot of these issues for sure :) ... Thanks for the comment here Mello and always good to connect with you :)
Upvoted and resteemed
I am already a follower of yours. So glad I saw your post.
The best to you for trying to input your concerns.
Thank you very much for the kind words @rebeccabe! :)
I could't believe it really happened to you. Reality here is beginning to get very ugly and not free speech friendly. Steemit may become puppeteer training grounds.
yes I was surprised myself too! I had to read and re-read my comment several times to see what the hell made him flag me.... and yes the power that these guys at the top have can create that exact situation (if unchecked by their buddies).
ps on another note, the games start today... let me know if there is anything I can help you with!
You are so polite and diplomatic in all of your post ..... recent events just WRONG.
Only few accounts and steemmonsters game keeping me to return to the steemit. My son was sick for few day, our water tank got damaged ... and I did not check recent updates about game. To much life in my life.
Thank you and that is nice of you to say! And that's pretty much why I'm hanging on too... I'm super excited about steemmonsters, but everything else not so much. And sorry to hear about the water tank... I had mine go out 6 months ago and that wasn't pleasant to cleanup at all! I hope your son gets better and let me know if you need anything questions answered on the game!
Can you help me to trade rare gold card - mischievous mermaid on some regular water element cards. I want to get my existing card to levels 6-7.
yes I can defintely do that... the mermaid is super awesome too... Are you on discord, if so I can help you easily... If not, then I can do it here... I would like you on discord though so I can also invite you to the guild that I will be starting, I have some plans for you to participate already! I'm at davemccoy#4479
I forget to tell that it is beta gold card. I am on Discord, but do not like to use it much. It feels like I am on the wall street on the market crash day and trying to talk :) I want to trade card to avoid buyer-seller fee and willing to trade it 10% bellow market value. I got to Silver 2 level but could not get any further without higher level cards . I know that I would never be able to build good gold set of card any way that is the reason I want to trade.
Mind is terrible thing to waste.
Enough said.
Keep on postin’
Posted using Partiko iOS
lol... yes you're right... wasting of minds is not advisable! ;)
I hope you are not right about the end of steem. But what can we ordinary users do to earn more, make the value go back to it former glory and having steem for a long time?
Any thing I can do ?Hi @davemccoy
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hey Coach! I hope I'm not right about the end of steem too. That's why I've written about the issues to hopefully add to the pressure to get a few things fixed.
To me the biggest issue that they face is the brand new users are severely restricted to 10 comments a day. If they make a post then if they get good comment to reply to, then they are stopped. They can't really engage on other people's posts either. This is the new blood that comes into the system being cut off.
As far as what you can do, I wish I knew. I have tried to be "loud" about it and it doesn't seem to work. I have tried to write directly to the people in power and that doesn't work either.
Maybe its a matter of time, maybe they have some solutions and just haven't been able to implement them yet. I honestly don't know.
I do know that if the new users stop coming in because of this severe restriction to people's ability to use their voices to engage, then it will not be good for the Steemit platform. Some have told me that Steemit is irrelevant and that Steem will fly no matter what because its the best cryptocurrency out there. So that is it in a nutshell... I have little answers, but keep plugging away and hoping that the people at the top actually have a plan to fix this.
Sorry to see what's happened to you. No one deserves to be downvoted like this for voicing his/her opinion.
I thought you got downvoted by some small accounts but this is serious. This is revenge.
thank you @erikah! That is very nice of you to say. And he answered that it was a part of the battle he was having with someone else and I got caught in the crossfire. So it will work out just fine! And yes I think everyone should limit their flags to the particular post or comment that they don't like.
It is simple. The rich just wanna get richer and leae the poor to condamnation.
lol... I'm not going to argue with that analysis... Its hard to come to any other conclusion when they restrict a new user to 10 comments a day.
That's too bad cause the new users need to interact and engage frequently in order to get noticed.
Anyways, it's their choice. The decision is best known to them.
yes you are right, it is their choice and their company/platform to do as they wish. We are just users.
Hi @davemccoy!
Your UA account score is currently 4.960 which ranks you at #1108 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 2 places in the last three days (old rank 1110).Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 249 contributions, your post is ranked at #240.
Evaluation of your UA score:
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server
out of 249 I came in at 240, I guess that's not very good at all.
we must have some seriously great people ahead of me, because I thought the engagement here was at least average.
I know there was a post saying that maybe your algorithm made a mistake, you might want to check it though in all seriousness. Maybe you are not giving enough weight in certain areas? Just a suggestion to make any modifications or tweaks if necessary!
Lol, you're on a roll, Dave. Be careful not to get downvoted by steem-ua too. But then again, I'm proud of you for being so direct and not afraid to speak the truth.
Because you are right. I have never paid any serious attention to the stats that were posted in these messages, but now I see this, I think Bee might be on to something...
I hope he wouldn't flag me for trying to constructively help him. I think the service is a great idea but definitely has to mirror reality too. If this post is that low, then I think his algorithm might have a flawed logic because arcange has it at #10 on steemit total for comments.
And you made my day for being proud of me! That is an awesome thing to say @simplymike! :D
It's true, and you taught me how good it feels to hear something like that :0)
(blush face) ... thanks :)
And ps... this is what @arcange showed:
on his list this was number 10 in all of steemit. I'm not saying that you did anything malicious, but instead just giving you a FYI.
Was it a mistake that you didn't vote the last post of mine or does it have something to do with me bringing this to your attention? I know you had a conversation with @beeyou and didn't like it when she went public with a post with the facts as she saw them. I am giving you the opportunity in a nice way to explain to me if there is anything nefarious going on.
I give you the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but the facts don't look good on the surface. I would think a service such as yours would be very sensitive to the impression that human involvement on your end should affect it. It would seem that you would at least like to clarify to me why you didn't vote my last post and why this post ranked so low. That would only be courtesy on your part and reciprocal to the courtesy I'm giving you.
ps. and if you're human and sometimes emotional and don't like it when someone points out something, that's ok to admit too. I would rather hear the truth so I know how to proceed then have to guess the situation. I have no interest in harming anyone, nor am I looking for a fight... I'm simply trying to understand the difficulties of how some projects work and how they affect me and my friends.
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @davemccoy!
Oh it was nothing personal, I didn't even read it.
I read some of this, and you're so oblivious to what is actually going on I decided to stop. Get a clue.
P.S. - "They" left because @ned and team fucked up HF20.
That's cool that it wasn't personal, and that you didn't read it is ok too (but not sure why you sent the flags).
I'm now curious, why did you decide to downvote my post and take away the money and my incentive to even come here? Don't you understand how that affects people when you do that?
And I might be clueless about many things, that is quite possible. I will certainly listen if you or anyone would like to explain why you think I'm clueless. You don't have to downvote me to get my attention either. I actually do read my replies and try to have civil conversations.
This is between me and @fulltimegeek. He started attacking me and how I was using my voting power and I am doing the same. You're an unfortunate victim caught in the crosshairs.
I suggest you talk to @fulltimegeek and get him to realize we actually have very similar goals and to stop his nonsense.
Why would @fulltimegeek listen to me any more than you would? :) ...
Frankly if you guys have a disagreement then I wish it would be taken up without the use of flags (especially against "unfortunate victims")...
We have serious issues on Steemit that need to be addressed. I'm not a professional peacemaker, but why don't you guys start by dealing with the "goals" you believe you agree with? Then maybe that will lead to compromises that you can both tolerate.
i am follow you, please follow me sir
Leaving comments like this is considered spam @momina86. Please leave something more relevant to the post in question. Thanks.
Thank you very much for this @d-pend. I love seeing people handle spam in this way! Why not give people the benefit of the doubt first?
^^ This guy deserves a downvote