
Hanging in there your Highness? :) Just chillin' at home tonight, but we were out today. It's so hot here right now, about 108 today plus high high humidity, so it kind of knocks you on you're behind if you're out at all during the day :)

What about you?

omgosh... 108... I can't imagine... we have had decent weather... I have had a couple of good days lately and actually got outside a bit... Plus my nephew is in town so I got to hang out with him and his girlfriend a bit, that is always nice! Glad to see you and Brian getting out (even for just a bit) :)

Yes, it's a bit too hot even for this sun lover :)

That sounds nice, hanging out with your nephew and girlfriend. Always nice to see family :)

@lynncoyle1 it was good while they were here... I must be getting old though as I am always happy to get back in my rut... I do like the time we spend, but just a little goes a long way :P

I hate to tell you Dave, but we are getting old :)

One of my neighbors growing up used to say, "I wave to my grandkids with one hand when they come for a visit, but I wave with two when they leave" :)

Random: He also had a glass eye that he threatened to pop out just to spook us I think!