YMO - KEY [ Yaneura Magic Orchestra ] cover

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

[Video from: SoaristoSilver Youtube channel - YMO Cover song]

Originally song called Y.M.O - KEY [YT Live version] [ 本当に良い曲 ]

Yellow Magic Orchestra band was formed in 1978 in japan. Its a electronic pop and was first of its kind. Similiar to kraftwerk and such bands from the old time. Ryuichi Sakamoto (keyboards) is one of the famous one, who also does solo music. These guys we're pioneers of the old classic electronic pop/synth music.


It's got a undergroundish touch to it, especially this cover song. This is a great song and is from one of their most technical albums called "Technodelic". Most samplings by LMD-649 synths, the machines of the time.

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