When boitcoin first dropped early this yera, it might have seemed a one-off, but that again it is dropping, is a strong indicator not to be ignored, or just swept under the carpet with bombastic self-soothing declarations adamant that it will l rise again.
The honest truth is that daily, resistance to cryptocurrency increases, and we have to leave with the reality that under ideal conditions, the level of bitocin surge, was alsways and will always be threat to the world financial systems and statusquo, both political and economic, and for that, there is always going to be interventional actions by those threatened, to curtail its surge.
truth to say, i share the same optimism that it will rise, but truth to ask, will it achieve the double figures of old? Upon what evidence can we still hope that it will reach 50s and 60k's?
Either way, i agree that it will rise, but how high, i am reserved, and actually think that it may take us up to the second half of this yrear, for bitcoin to stabilize in the lower double figures of between 10-14k.