Ethical Hacking ( Hacker and Types of Hackers )

in #busy7 years ago

A hacker is a person who finds and exploits weakness in a computer system to gain access.

A hacker is a person who thinks outside the box.
A hacker is a person who is highly creative and dedicated to knowledge.

All hackers are not criminals that depend on their work.

Types of Hackers


1 - Whaite Hat Hacker
A hacker who gains access to the system will permission to fix the identified weakness.They may also perform penetration testing vulnerability assessments.

2 - Black Hat Hacker
A hacker who gains unauthorized access to the computer system for personal gain. The intent is usually to steal corporate data, violate privacy rights, transfer funds from bank accounts etc.
(A cracker is also called black hat hacker )

3 - Grey Hat Hackers
The grey hat hackers perform the tasks of black hat hackers as well as white hat hackers.

4 - Phreaker
A hacker who identifies and exploits weakness in telephones instead of computer.

These are the major types of hackers.


How does one learn hacking? Isnt there any protocol for the hackers?
I think there should be some sort of punishment for the black hat hackers. White hat hackers are an asset and need to be encouraged.