The Unforeseen...

in #busy6 years ago

"The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help."- Napoleon Hill.

Quit holding back; holding back will not get you where you need to be, it will just keep you on hold. The idea of moving ahead despite the shackles and difficulties that lay ahead is the true test of your scope of determination.

I Feel Blessed!

There are these unforeseen incidents that were created to make your journey eventful either positively or negatively. Too many people get discouraged too easily because of these unforeseen events they know are there but cannot see. The whole idea of it being "unforeseen" is that it shouldn't be seen to make an impact. There is a reason for everything under the sun and that includes the unforeseen(s)...

The simple act of commitment is indeed a powerful magnet for whatever help you will ever need to get from stage A to stage D.
Holding back will not make the struggle hold back. In fact, when you hold back on what you should set out to accomplish, you will just end up holding yourself down to fail.

Make a move and wait it out, it can only get better.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Holding back will not make the struggle hold back. This is deep and so true. The choice lies with us and inspite of the situation, we should learn to dare, hold out rather than hold back, give it all it takes because sometimes, life will never give us what we deserve, but what we demand.

Wise word sir!.

totally agree with you

Quit holding back; holding back will not get you where you need to be, it will just keep you on hold. The idea of moving ahead despite the shackles and difficulties that lay ahead is the true test of your scope of determination.

Thank you my friend for this inspirational words,do have a nice day ahead

Its true, every great event is based on occurrence even if it is taken consciously. We all want it to be alright all the time but the truth is that ugly incident happened to take you to a greater height. Be insightful and face the challenge will all you have.

Never give up!

Holding back dont ever make things proceed, it brings delay so if you know you would hold back, you should not have proceed on it.

This is simple yet deep. This is really great word of advise and i am happy to have found this. I will stop holding back and i will launch out. I don't need to see the whole staircase, i will just take the first step.

Great words. I hold back way too much. I also procrastinate. The world continues to move forward as I sit here wishing it would stop.

I see committing as to try not to procrastinate on things because the time is always now because we do not have much in life, time is very limited for human beings.