Thanks a lot for your very kind words, they are much appreciated.
As much as it seems to make sense, I do not know if the 2FA should be used in our case. Maybe someone who is an expert on the security front of our Steemit platform could shed a bright light on the situation. I simply have no opinion on this one yet. It is the very first time I come across this subject here and your article made me wonder.
Equally, every time I see a Google 2FA request, it make me connect the algorithm to GOOGLE! That, in itself , is not inspiring trust, especially on the long-run. On the other hand, our platform and its creators do inspire my trust.
I understand if this comment leaves you thirsty for more, but I guess I am simply not the right person to ask for such an opinion. I am sincerely sorry and by the time your write more about this subject, I may very well have a much better idea, especially if one of our expert comes pipping in! ;)
Namaste :)
Thanks sir for your nice reply and honesty and I hope you follow to keep abreast of same topic. Will keep querying and hope someday soon we have someone maybe a witness look into extra security being that some of us wanna use steemit as bank account savings once powered up. Do you invest in other altcoins? A great new coin is currently on bounty. Updated a post on it
Keep steeming hot sir . Nemaste!