We have incredible resources, and yet just deliberately kill off the poor so there's more for the people who seem to think dollars will get them to heaven or some shit. We should Never be adverse to risk just because we might lose what we think we have to lose.
We need this medical system we have today entirely Destroyed. All of it. We'd actually mostly be better off with Nothing, rather than what we do have. There used to be an obvious drug pusher, right? Well now it's your doctor, who prescribes you opiates to ensure that your pain will Never go away. And who the hell do you think is getting the money from Heroin sales? Yeah. That would be why the US thinks it's okay to prescribe deadly and unnecessary meds, for literally every little ache.
Feeling like you might actually care about something and end up potentially hurt? Well now that must be an anxiety disorder. Xanax! Which forces you into a state of psychopathy.
Stop me when I get to something we shouldn't just burn down. I can't think of a single one. We do not need any portion of this system other than the concept of ambulance and ER. Except, at least in the US, both of those will run you around $7000 for a single visit, unless you're wealthy enough for great insurance, which requires a great job.
Teeth. Here, we consider the dental sector as a purely cosmetic thing so that your pearly whites can denote you as better than me, due to more money, which you were likely handed at birth. I have a brain infection. A fucking BRAIN INFECTION, which will definitely kill me. Why? Because here, we just let someone's mouth get to a deadly point as their jaw wastes away. Because , you know ...
Fuck people who aren't rich, right? Yeah ... absolutely Everything about the structure of the culture today is a Cult. It sacrifices children to Baal for the sake of a piece of paper that doesn't even represent anything. And we wonder why people can't cope and go ballistic here? Well that's why. It's all EVERYONE'S FAULT. And they always blame the sufferer.
Offended by my language? Grow some passion. Stop taking the drugs to give you physical comfort at the cost of human emotion. Take the pain. Feel, for once, and stop sucking up to horrible people because they have money. This world is fucked. Absolutely fucked, and it's almost entirely the fault of the US alone. The single biggest terrorist organization in the world, the US Federal Government, has lied to you for quite a while about the definition of the word "Terrorism". It means control through causing fear. Fearmongering. It does not mean blowing yourself up in order to attempt to make a statement. That is called having enough and not being able to keep it together, while being almost definitely given Xanax. Instant psychopath, courtesy of your own medical system, which hates you, deeply.