Hot sunglasses. Spades, with mud, Jyotika light. Director's Tarjanir signalled. He kodalta with a strong hand on the ground. Matigulo a shred of one after another. The water is running paddy field. That Bran Bijotao Bunethen in his hand. Such a character is Maya.
name is in the role, I've been preparing for a long time for the film. Bhashyata Jyotika Jyotir.
This artist works for the first time in life. And in the full movie she appeared without makeup. His name is Maya in the picture, but it is the story of a hard life-fighter women. A sample of which was found from the shooting spot.
Jyoti said, ' This cinema from the Grihsthali of Maya, all the agriculture. In reality, I didn't do this before Charitro.
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One mother is so passionate about agricultural work
Do it
It is astonishing to think
Mom, you work as a surprise