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RE: What Is Your Vote Worth? (It's complicated)

in #busy6 years ago

Why? - who won from building up a platform and then trashing it? The CIA doing social media AI development, crypto scam artists doing a ponzi sheme, or just geeks so socially retarded they actually didn't intend to drive away all the real content producers (is it possible?)


Are you turning into one of these sheeple who sits here all day talking about how much they hate the place, but can't seem to leave?

Yes, it seems so - and I wrote this seven months ago:

Time to stop - see you....

I've known you awhile. Snap out of it man. Just take a break or whatever the hell you need to do. We all know they made mistakes here. You've made mistakes in your life. You know the feeling. We've all fucked up. Don't let failure consume you and get left in the dust. Hard times are not to be permanent.

Mistakes or maybe not mistakes?