Nobody ever does fine on any modern vaccinations - they may appear to, but in say 20 years when they are infertile they don't make the connection.
America didn't get the highest rates of autism, cancer, and infertility by accident !
It also has the highest rates of vaccinations, and measles outbreaks are no random accident...
Measles used to be great - I enjoyed it -another mild childhood disease and a week off school
All the more reason for people to review all the information available and make an educated choice.
On the graph above, for which no source was provided, diphteria vaccination is indicated to have been introduced in 1940 and 1950 when in reality effective immunisations campaigns started in the 1920s ( source This is particularly vicious, since the objective of those graphs is to "prove" that there is no correlation between vaccine introduction and reduction in death rate. Furthermore, why mention scarlet fever and typhoid fever death rates in a vaccination debate, when the disease can be treated by antibiotics? Those are just 2 things I noticed immediately, but to an uninformed eye this information seems pretty reliable. There are probably many more innacuracies in the graph above, but I'm not gonna waste my time looking for them.
This is the kind of disinformation that anti-vaxxers spread and then they pledge for letting people make "educated choices". Litterally any piece of evidence that doesn't fit their agenda is dismissed as part of a conspiracy, and yet they don't even bother to mention their sources.
It is a personal choice. No one owes the rest of the "herd" immunity.
I'm not an antivaxxor my children received the immunizations that protected them against diseases that were likely to do more harm than the vaccination. They were not vaccinated for those where the risks were close. Like... Measles.
None of the argument makes sense, I should have to vaccinate my kid so yours is safer... screw that. Ask the manufactors to make a vaccination that works better and is safer.
At the end of the day it is a decision of medical risk that no one has a right to make for anyone else.
So long as they don't become "educated" by reading wikipedia - they should rely on snopes :)
I think a lot of it is going to come down to "Who do you trust".
It is obvious that there is a lot of information out there on both sides.
This is why I think we should just push for Medical Freedom and allow each person to make their own decisions and read the pros and the cons.
The current argument that the safety of vaccinations shouldn't even be discussed is insanity. I'd like to start there.
I think the better question is...
" Do you trust someone who has been proven to lie incessantly for decades, and by lying makes billions of dollars, or do you trust people who make nothing, have their medical careers destroyed, and suffer great personal hardships by presenting alternative information..."
Does it make you stupid to trust a known liar?
Not necessarily , but I cant think of another word to use right now
How about "moron"?