Yesterday evening before I went to bed I had planned a different blog post for today than the one I'm writing now.
Sometimes news make our work interactive.
There were few interesting news this morning, but this one slid to the background I guess. You might've noticed I often tell that I like and use
As it happens, this morning I read about a new development by the Busy team.
SteemConnect is a tool created by the Busy team to securely login on various apps on the Stem blockchain, while keeping your private keys encrypted at all times. There are quite a few tools using SteemConnect, starting of course with the platform
The Busy team made an improvement to SteemConnect, to support multiple accounts, without logging out or entering the private keys every time you want to switch between them.
It's not a secret there are enough users who have more than one account on the Steem blockchain, either because they prefer to keep separate accounts for different niches or because they run projects unrelated to their personal accounts or simply for testing various things as I do.
For all of the above the new update to SteemConnect from the Busy team can be a great time saver. Keep in mind SteemConnect isn't used only to log in to the platform, but it is the preferred gateway for numerous other tools and operations.
The news was broke by @gregory.latinier from the Busy team, a little while ago.
how far away are we, or do you think it viable to start having an option to login to common sites with steem? For example, you can log into your Spotify account with facebook. Being a security and privacy advocate there are a million reasons why you should not do that, but, is that a direction/feature you see steem adding in the main stream market?
It is far inside the Steem ecosystem, which will probably grow exponentially with the introduction of SMTs. But outside Steem, I doubt it would be an option to log in via SteemConnect anytime soon.