re: superficial votes
In my opinion, it's the thought that counts. It's not your fault or anyone else's that the code is what it is, locking you into SP that really doesn't allow you to vote much in the first place, and then burning that vote because it doesn't hit the dust threshold. Knowing what I know now, I'd probably do it all over again, and maybe get higher SP sooner. It's a courtesy to leave something, and maybe that can be done a little more strategically as far as comments with no upvotes, but posts will mostly have something on them.
At any rate, there's too many bigger things here to sweat than to sweat this, I think.
It would be great if Steemit or busy had anything for browsing older stuff easily. It's really dumb that they don't. Have you seen the UI that UX Yeti is putting together? Sweetsteem? If he can get that done, I think it'll have all kinds of things that we'll like. Unless this communities deal drops first and changes the interface anyway. :)
Ux yeti is awesome and the things he is suggesting as well as specific condensers for Communities is top notch.
He recently joined steem dev so we might see a lot of his ideas done in the platform .
I wasn't aware of him joining steemdevs (not like I'm in the know, though). When did he do that? I hope that gets him the access he needs then. What does he have going with regards to Communities? Man, I thought I knew what was going on, but you seem to have an inside track. It's discord, itsn't. (Shakes his fist.)