I haven't been a fan of universal basic income since I first heard of it, and it could be I need to know more about it to get there, but while it's not the government per se, it's still a something because you exist scenario. It seems to me that in whatever form that's tried, especially anything that might end up being significant and substantial, the desire to do anything to earn one's keep will dwindle.
People will still need something to do. And history nods to horrific atrocities happening before some other solution might rear its head. I think I would rather find ways for people to transition to another field of endeavor. We won't be doing ourselves any favors if we AI every industry. And humans aren't going to trust or react to AI in the same way as they do people. Our Sci-FI and Dystopian entertainment have been warning us of that for years. I dislike navigating through menus on a phone just to get to a person to talk to—what's it going to be like when there's no person?
I know. I'm old. Not that old, though. :)