Is it my imagination or have we forgotten the art of previous games? Or women have made it very easy for a man to get a base of operations so that men no longer try and go directly to the erogenous zones. The conversion of a woman passes through her imagination: mystery, surprise, suggestion, play.
Perhaps it is the spread of pornography and the naked body out there. And people have forgotten the power of their imagination and their tact and the good old desire to please their beloved.
The good traditional way of making a special woman is always something special.
Love means to honor, adore and adore this body. All the activities that honor your body lead only to grace and spiritual joy. Any intimacy you feel is much better when you feel good and make someone happy because you like their happiness.
If it is only a physical pleasure, it will give you a certain satisfaction ... but nothing can replace it when a woman totally loves her lover and gives him the impression of being alive. A man will feel more powerful when a woman is completely in love with himself, able to face him vulnerable and perfectly adorable.
What are your fantasies?
If you've seen too much television, pornography, or retouched body photos with Photoshop, they can be overwhelming, and science actually shows that they're reconnecting your brain's pleasure centers, no! We can not enable this to happen.
I welcome you to return to a portion of those first stories and dreams you enjoyed before being affected by the pictures you saw on the web or on the screen. What propelled you when you were keen on a young lady or a man? How could it happen? How might you want to illuminate this individual?
Remember that sensuality is the first thing we crave when we are children, celebrated, touched. And then the game is the next thing we do to have fun. Your imagination is the strongest screen on which to write your love story and your sensual world.
Let your imagination take you back to the first contact, where you feel you can start exploring another person and all the joy he/she brings.
This is true facts of every one's life......
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