The cato institute has some good research, but its funded by Charles Koch, so even though its supposed to be unbiased, Im sure there is some biased to it.
Working in industry I can see the harm and favoritism it causes. One company was proactive in cutting there co2 before mandates went into effect. Once the mandates went into effect they didnt qualify for the tax incentive because the improvement was already completed.
Put companies out of business in the US and the same production moves to another country with less strict environmental regulations and more pollution per pound of product.
What is interesting is ArcelorMittal the largest steel company and one of the largest polluters (steel inherently is an energy intensive and dirty industry even in the cleanest of steel mills) how they are going to volluntary work to reduce their carbon footprint. Im sure i can find it if you like.
Im all for pushing companies to reduce their pollution and carbon foot print, but government regulation is rarely pure or doesnt hand pick winners and losers.
Also with 2 young kids who bite straws it drives me crazy whoever was the kid that did that "research paper" on how plastic straws were killing the environment. Ive learned to now ask waiters for 10 - 20 straws as soon as we sit down because my kids chew the ends close and then spill theyre drinks all over them because they cant drink out of the straw anymore.
Finally, you want me to take you seriously about how were destroying the earth. Move into a mud hut that doesnt use electricity and dont use steel, plastic, fossil fuels, or eat meat. Maybe thats a little extreme statement but telling me my industry is killing the environment while driving a car (including tesla because they still buy steel to make cars) that is made from steel is a little ironic if you ask me.
Thoughtful. I like it.
I've read some arguments on both sides and to be honest it can be hard to figure out what is factual and what isn't.
But the conclusions are hilarious on both sides.
Yeah i agree climate is changing and on average its getting warmer. That companies should cintinuosly improve to be more efficient while polluting less. Its interesting to see companies take interest recently not from government mandates, but because its an important issue to more and more people.
A lot of car manufacures are becoming iso 50001 certified and going to start requiring that of there customers and suppliers to have less of an impact on the environment at least in the US.