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RE: Thoughts from a bus

in #busy7 years ago

That's some freewrite there, one thing about freewrite is straight from the heart. No worrying about much formatting, research and been too correct.

Freewriting about stuffs you know, you will definitely connect with some people that have the same interest who will be like 'uhum uhum'.

About the world cup, it definitely doesn't get more massive with so much fun. I promise i will surely attend a world cup before i die even if it means selling my father's house with the knowledge of others. But i will love an Africa (South Africa...i know), somewhere deep inside Africa where everything is all black and a lot of banana to eat.

You made me 'waste' five minutes (more now, typing this ) of my life on a freewrite but it is worth it.


Thats the dream man, to attend a world cup before dying. I can imagine a world cup being celebrated in Congo or Cote d Ivore, that would be awesome but I think with the South africa world cup so close, its not going to happen soon :(

Lol we don´t waste time, we invest it :P