in #busy7 years ago

When I was much younger,I used to idol my eldest brother,he was so strong and intelligent, It was quite a struggle for me.
I tried my best but I discovered that there's no grace on your life to be somebody else,I discovered that no matter how I excelled,I didn't derive joy and fulfillment in what I was doing.
My mentality changed when I read a particular verse of the bible that said"David fulfilled God's purpose in his own generation " (Acts 13:36).
I knew that message was for me
I knew I needed to discover and fulfill God's purpose in my generation.
It was like a chain was broken,I felt this freedom and inner peace,I stopped living my brother's life and started living mine and that was when I started to grow.
I have learned that it's easy to be me.
No one was born useless
We all have something to offer
Everyone was not born to be a medical doctor,Engineer,Lawyer,Accountant
Follow your heart,your passion,know your worth,your strengths and weaknesses
You can be a very successful farmer,barber or tailor
Just be very good at whatever you are doing and be very sincere
Being you starts from self love,appreciating your potentials and telling yourself you are the best of your kind,you are unique in your own way.
There was an experience I had that left me drown in tears
I gave a talk at a seminar and after that talk,someone approached me ,she told me she has always loved my voice
Two other persons told me the same thing that day and I was surprised because I had complained before that I didn't really like my kind of voice.
I had to ask for mercy from God.
In life,they are so many persons looking up to you
Don't disappoint them
Follow your passion
Stop pretending
Stop living a fake life
Be real
Be original
Be You


It really pays to be original because a borrowed identity cannot be sustained for long. Nice one @gudiespeaks

Originality is a problem in our time today because of fiaul to discover oneself. Talking of been original you have do with the ability to discover yourself, believe yourself, know what you can do well and do it better.
It is not out of place to have a mentor but it become wrong when we try to be like that person. What we should do with people is to see how they are doing that particular thing that make them outstanding and unique, konow their strength and weakness and then use that to build ourselves and model ourself. However humidity and wisdom are the key elements or factors for self discovery and then understand that no matter what you can not be like someone else but be yourself and try to be the best out of your ability.
Been original is just the best thing, because living a pretentious life doesn't pay but the end result is always pain.

Truly,the end result is usually painful
May we not die as someone's photocopy

You are right. People who try to become like another are trying to become another person God doesn't need one more of. To fully fulfil one's purpose, self love is needed. When you love yourself enough, then your eyes can be opened to see what you can leverage on to fulfil purpose. Like you said, no one is born useless. We are all blessed with gifts albeit in varying levels but we should always stay faithful to fulfil it because in it is our redemption and reward from God the Father through Jesus Christ.

Well said @olawalium
Most times when we try to be like someone else,we are indirectly saying"God I dont like the way you created me"
Its always beautiful to be you!

Exactly. Be original. Be you. Trying to be like another takes too much energy and that energy should be used to develop self rather than being another.