Maybe you do not remember when you started feeling anxious, maybe it was in high school, when you were afraid of not going to college, or finding a job and living the life you wanted, the fear of failure is there even before that, it is very possible You have experienced anxiety and panic attacks for most of your life.
There is always that fear of the things that await us, and a positive result does not alleviate it, the irony is that this anxiety makes you behave in ways that lead to the fear of becoming reality, which leads to being always stressed.
When you fear losing secret guards, you hide any mistakes you make, you do not set limits, you sacrifice your needs and you make efforts to please others, your mind has a constant fear, and you resort to addictive behaviors to calm it, for example, spending more time in line that talking to people in real life, you hold on to someone giving you attention, and understanding, because you can not give these things to yourself.
The domestication begins, when you can see that the walls that are imprisoning you, are really your thoughts, you see that you are stressed, but you can not find a way out, you start having panic attacks during this time, because you fear that this will be your life , that there is no way to break that pattern, realizing it is the first step, but it requires many more to gain confidence.
Work collaboratively with an advisor, who teaches you to get the tools that help you calm your mind and find a way to stop all the fear-based patterns that trap you, it's a slow job, and sometimes it seems you take two steps go ahead and step back, but in the end you worry much less.
When you take the time, you will discover that the power and energy that your mind has been endangering can be channeled into creativity, take your time to pay attention to your mind, to see reality beyond your fear and your patterns .
La mente siempre nos esta trayendo pensamientos relacionados con el pasado como resentimientos, o sentimientos de culpa o creándonos pensamientos asociados con el futuro que nos hace temerosos y ansiosos por cosas que tal vez ni sucederán en nuestras vidas. La mente no puede existir en el presente.
When we’re tired or anxious, our minds wander more than usual, which makes us more tired and anxious.