Everyone of course he can succeed. There are still many people who have managed all but can not yet achieve success.
Then where is the fault?
To be successful, people in need, will provide a clear and motivating solution, it has also been implemented, but still can not be used to achieve success.
Where else is the fault?
To be successful, in addition to having set clear goals, apparently there is one thing that is not in you, the Self Image. This Self-image is something that is common in our mind. Whether you are a Seller, a Professional or an Entrepreneur, of course you have experienced feelings of doubt and lack of self-confidence. Both of these are issues of Self-Image.
In other words you do not have a Self Image that is in harmony with your Profession, you do not use all the potential to act.
Self-image is a self-concept, where Self-Imagery shapes from experience and experience into the beliefs of someone you experience and you all ideas that you believe are really appropriate, will be the Program for you and settle in your subconscious mind.
Suppose you are not sure that you will be able to sell, and you will try to do the job to sell and fail, This will create the subconscious mind and display your Self Image as someone who can not afford to sell.
Other times and other places to add and eliminate again, this will be stored again in your subconscious mind.And several times again and again, you will find people who are not suitable to sell.And this strengthens Your Self Image that you are not a seller.
Is the Self-Image can be changed? You can change your Self Image with purpose, if you want and want to achieve your success. How is that possible?
First set up and look at what you want to achieve (the goal), suppose you want to be a Seller. Both what you want can support your goal as a seller, write it in a piece of paper for your example, for example you can register "I am a seller great ", I am a tenacious seller" and so on. Thirdly visualize all the statements you have made to the colon 2 above. Preferably and visualize these people at the time of the morning after bed or curfew day. Place visualize the destination (your goal) every day is the same as visualizing your statement.
Why and you need to visualize your statements and goals every day, with visualization will cultivate your feelings, and you will find that you will do new things or alternatives in your work. And OWN ADDITIONAL SUITABLE APPROPRIATE FOR YOU TO RUN according to goals / objectives
Visualization to create your mind, and with this visualization, you will generate and will work automatically.
Once Your Self Image has achieved your goals and objectives then you are Muhaemien.blogspot.com
You will remain excited and excited. You will always be able to optimize and overcome the obstacles and obstacles that confront you. If you want to connect you to obstacles and obstacles, then Citra Diri will call to greet you, he will say: Hey .. you are not such a timid person.
You need to know that Self Image controls your attitudes, behaviors, feelings and abilities, therefore every time you need to develop, nourish and harmonize your Self Image "Self-Image Must be conditioned, reinforced and prepared for the Success you Want"
Good luck and successful greetings always.
Best inspiration....iike it your post...
Thank you @yople ....
An inspiring quote that will change your life :D

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Thanks @hidethepain ...