Like I wrote in my previous post, I am going to show how "Chemical Emoji" was made. I did this experiment once more, but not with some kind of picture.
First of all, I took white filter paper and added a drop of potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) which is nearly colorless.
Then near to the first spot of the solution I added some drops of ferric chloride (iron (III) chloride) solution which is yellow. Look what happened when these two solution met one another.
As you can see the color changed and it means that a new compound was formed in the contact of two solutions. That blue compound is called Prussian blue. In the next post I am going to write more about its uses and its history.
Wow! I can't believe what I'm seeing... Color changed so drastically. Very curious phenomenon. What about the smell of this substance?
Well, it's odorless. Also those solutions from which it was made are odorless.