首尔 Kwon sook soo
Fine Dining又称作正餐,一般较多出现在西餐(尤其法餐)和高级日料中,以法餐为例,通常包括这几道: Amuse Bouche 、Starter、Soup、 Fish Course、Sorbet、Main Course、Cheese Course、Dessert以及Petit Four。一般价格都不低,1000+是常态。说实话,我还真没试过地道的法式Fine Dining,融合其他菜系元素的Fine Dining倒是试过几家。仪式感没有法餐或者怀石那么重,反而多了几分创意和灵动~
Fine Dining, also known as dinner, is generally found in Western (French, especially) and high-class Japanese, with French as an example, usually including these: Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Main Course Cheese Course, Dessert and Petit Four. The general price is not low, 1000 + is normal. To be honest, I really did not try the authentic French Fine Dining, fusion of other cuisine elements Fine Dining touches a few. Ritual without French or Kaishi so heavy, but a little more creative and smart ~
除了味道,氛围环境也很重要。做Fine Dining的餐厅选址都比较低调却考究,一般人很难发现,这也是我近两年一路吃下来的发现。比较透明开放式的后厨,让食客零距离接触食物的制作团队,这无疑是享受一晚正餐最大的乐趣。
In addition to taste, the atmosphere is also important. Fine Dining restaurants are relatively low-key sites are elegant, it is difficult for most people to find, which is what I found the last two years to eat down. More transparent open kitchen, so that diners up close contact with the food production team, which is undoubtedly the biggest pleasure to enjoy a night of dinner.

南京有Fine Dining吗?估计很多人会问。城中最贵的三家高级日本料理但估计都算不上,具体名字就不提了。西餐里面最顶级的颐和公馆Le Siècle百年西餐厅倒是个别套餐有点Fine Dining的意思,但口味和国外差距还是不小,虽然主厨号称法国米其林二星。
Nanjing has Fine Dining it? It is estimated that many people will ask. The city's most expensive three high-level Japanese cuisine, but estimates are not really, the specific name is not mentioned. Western cuisine inside the top-level house of the Summer Palace Le Siècle Centenary restaurant is a little individual meal Fine Dining meaning, but the gap between the taste and the foreign is still not small, although the chef known as the French Michelin two stars.
新街口,环绕着孙先生雕像的四个街角,从不缺人气。德基广场似乎把东北角的人流全都吸引过去了,往东走便是军区死气沉沉的破旧沿街商铺,天时商贸大厦在新街口众多楼宇里早就被淹没,谁又会注意它楼下开了什么餐厅呢?我茶 瓷之味,偏偏就选择这里开出了一家与周围环境格格不入的高级台湾餐厅。
正如前面所说,即便是在国外,好的Fine Dining也大多开在不显眼的地方。我猜也许这种深藏不露的感觉正是这类高级食客们所追求的东西。
取名我茶 瓷之味,自然是有寓意的。踏入餐厅的那一刻,你就仿佛步入一座中式艺术博物馆。各种收藏品都价格不菲,就餐之前欣赏艺术、陶冶情操,应该是有助于增进食欲的,想来餐厅老板也是个聪明人~
无处不在的传统中国元素,也象征着大陆与台湾在文化上的一脉相连。从沙发到墙体,乃至服务员的衣着,都是清一色的淡绿,餐厅的整体性无形中折射出它的档次和水准。台湾人讲话的轻声细语也被很好地传承,这也是吃一顿高雅的台式Fine Dining不可或缺的细节。
所有展示的字画均明码标价,收藏爱好者可以选择自己喜欢的作品购买,这也算是用餐之外的收获和乐趣吧。在我茶 瓷之味,就算是一盆花艺,都能展示出非一般的艺术功力和气质。不禁想起最近很火的开在新加坡国立美术馆里的粉色系餐厅Odete。美食只是由头,在这样的用餐环境里感受到更多是情怀~
我茶 瓷之味的厨房正是接轨国际的开放式透明厨房,所有正餐都是现场准备并制作的,新鲜的食材是味道的保证。当接地气的台湾菜被做得精细化,还真有模有样。满心期待~
仪式感对于一顿Fine Dining来说很重要,也是贯穿整个用餐过程的要素之一。我茶 瓷之味在每个不同的时节都会推出当季套膳。不时不食,这是中国人一贯的养身之道,美味与健康从不矛盾。
part 1:创意香肠
part 2:鲜虾山药土豆泥
part 3:水晶蔬果卷
前汤 - 冬瓜排骨酥汤
前菜 - 吉利虾球
主菜 - 酱爆猪手
主食- 古早味碗粿
主食- 台湾卤肉饭
卤肉饭是台湾小吃的灵魂,也是最考验厨师技艺的一道菜。食材很简单,但只有融入情感的卤肉饭才最能打动食客的胃。一碗出色的卤肉饭,可以好吃到成为这顿正餐的主角,这便是我茶 瓷之味厉害的地方!
大家都爱喝台湾茶,不管是高山乌龙还是特级金萱,皆为佐法式甜品的绝佳拍档。入口醇香,回味悠长。这样的收尾,绝不逊色于正统Fine Dining的Petit Four。
Fine Dining又称作正餐,一般较多出现在西餐(尤其法餐)和高级日料中,以法餐为例,通常包括这几道: Amuse Bouche 、Starter、Soup、 Fish Course、Sorbet、Main Course、Cheese Course、Dessert以及Petit Four。一般价格都不低,1000+是常态。说实话,我还真没试过地道的法式Fine Dining,融合其他菜系元素的Fine Dining倒是试过几家。仪式感没有法餐或者怀石那么重,反而多了几分创意和灵动~
Indonesian language:
Dining, juga dikenal sebagai makan malam, umumnya ditemukan di kelas bahasa Jepang Barat (Prancis, khususnya) dan kelas atas, dengan Prancis sebagai contoh, biasanya termasuk: Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Main Course Kursus Keju, Dessert dan Petit Four. Harga umum tidak rendah, 1000 + normal. Sejujurnya, saya benar-benar tidak mencoba French Fine Dining otentik, perpaduan unsur masakan lainnya Fine Dining menyentuh beberapa. Ritual tanpa French atau Kaishi begitu berat, tapi sedikit lebih kreatif dan cerdas ~
English language:
Fine Dining, also known as dinner, is commonly found in Western Japanese (French, in particular) and upper class Japanese, with French for example, usually including: Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Main Course Cheese Course, Dessert and Petit Four. The general price is not low, 1000 + normal. To be honest, I really did not try the authentic French Fine Dining, a blend of other Fine Dining ingredients touching some elements. The ritual without French or Kaishi is so heavy, but a bit more creative and smarter ~
Hello, no English translate?
I'm sorry to tell you, i am a chinese , but my English level is normal, Recently, I also attended English training courses, hoping to release an English version of the article as soon as possible.
Thanks for your translation, I will add in my article
Oooh ... okay no problem @hui.zhao
Fine Dining又称作正餐,一般较多出现在西餐(尤其法餐)和高级日料中,以法餐为例,通常包括这几道: Amuse Bouche 、Starter、Soup、 Fish Course、Sorbet、Main Course、Cheese Course、Dessert以及Petit Four。一般价格都不低,1000+是常态。说实话,我还真没试过地道的法式Fine Dining,融合其他菜系元素的Fine Dining倒是试过几家。仪式感没有法餐或者怀石那么重,反而多了几分创意和灵动~
除了味道,氛围环境也很重要。做Fine Dining的餐厅选址都比较低调却考究,一般人很难发现,这也是我近两年一路吃下来的发现。比较透明开放式的后厨,让食客零距离接触食物的制作团队,这无疑是享受一晚正餐最大的乐趣。
南京有Fine Dining吗?估计很多人会问。城中最贵的三家高级日本料理但估计都算不上,具体名字就不提了。西餐里面最顶级的颐和公馆Le Siècle百年西餐厅倒是个别套餐有点Fine Dining的意思,但口味和国外差距还是不小,虽然主厨号称法国米其林二星。
English :
Fine Dining, also known as dinner, is generally found in Western (French, especially) and high-class Japanese, with French as an example, usually including these: Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Main Course Cheese Course, Dessert and Petit Four. The general price is not low, 1000 + is normal. To be honest, I really did not try the authentic French Fine Dining, fusion of other cuisine elements Fine Dining touches a few. Ritual without French or Kaishi so heavy, but a little more creative and smart ~
In addition to taste, the atmosphere is also important. Fine Dining restaurants are relatively low-key sites are elegant, it is difficult for most people to find, which is what I found the last two years to eat down. More transparent open kitchen, so that diners up close contact with the food production team, which is undoubtedly the biggest pleasure to enjoy a night of dinner.

Nanjing has Fine Dining it? It is estimated that many people will ask. The city's most expensive three high-level Japanese cuisine, but estimates are not really, the specific name is not mentioned. Western cuisine inside the top-level house of the Summer Palace Le Siècle Centenary restaurant is a little individual meal Fine Dining meaning, but the gap between the taste and the foreign is still not small, although the chef known as the French Michelin two stars.
Indonesia :
Fine Dining, juga dikenal sebagai makan malam, umumnya ditemukan di kelas bahasa Jepang Barat (Prancis, khususnya) dan kelas atas, dengan Prancis sebagai contoh, biasanya termasuk: Kursus Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Kursus Kursus Utama , Dessert dan Petit Four. Harga umum tidak rendah, 1000 + normal. Sejujurnya, saya benar-benar tidak mencoba French Fine Dining otentik, perpaduan unsur masakan lainnya Fine Dining menyentuh beberapa. Ritual tanpa French atau Kaishi begitu berat, tapi sedikit lebih kreatif dan cerdas ~
Selain rasanya, suasananya juga penting. Restoran Fine Dining yang tergolong situs low-key elegan, sulit bagi kebanyakan orang untuk menemukan, itulah yang saya temukan dua tahun terakhir untuk diminum. Dapur terbuka lebih transparan, sehingga pengunjung bisa berhubungan dekat dengan tim produksi makanan, yang tak diragukan lagi merupakan kesenangan terbesar untuk menikmati malam makan malam.

Nanjing telah Fine Dining itu? Diperkirakan banyak orang akan bertanya. Tiga masakan Jepang tingkat tinggi paling mahal di kota ini, namun perkiraannya tidak benar-benar, nama spesifiknya tidak disebutkan. Masakan barat di dalam rumah tingkat atas dari restoran Istana Musim Panas Le Siècle Centenary adalah santapan makanan kecil Fine Dining yang berarti, namun jarak antara selera dan mancanegara masih kurang kecil, meski koki tersebut dikenal sebagai Michelin Prancis dua bintang.
Thanks for your translation, I will add in my article
You're welcome @hui.zhao
Xie xie 😊
老闆 滷肉飯+1
好嘞~ 1号桌 卤肉饭 再来一份~
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