Singkawang residents should be proud. Great event Cap Go Meh 2569 in 2018 was re-incised a new record that recorded Museum of Indonesia Records (Muri). Unmitigated, three records at once in an organizing event presented by the committee for the Singkawang community submitted at the peak of the celebration, Friday (2/3/2018). Plus a record of contribution contribution from Santo Yosep Group Singkawang previously submitted on Wednesday (28/2/2018) ago. The Muri record charter was handed over directly by Manager Muri Andre Purwardono who was handed over to Singkawang Mayor Tjhai Chui Mie and Committee Chairman Tjhai Leonardi.
- Lampion Most record muri pemasangan most luminaries had previously been listed in 2009 ago, with a record of 10,895 lanterns. In 2018, the committee claims to have installed as many as 20,607 lanterns, so it is proposed to be listed again in Muri.