Polymath is presented as the revolution of the security tokens, made its ico in July 2017 the value of each polimath or each token was 0.4 dollars gave a little more than 200 million dollars and was a token erc-20 of the blockchain of ethereum, now it has evolved into a kind of extension called st-20 which is one of them that to explain it in a simple way is a set of smart contracts, quoted in bittrex, kucoin and bitfinex mainly as in other minor exchanges, in summary we could say that polimath network is a decentralized platform that facilitates and enables the creation of tokens securities simplifying the technical and bureaucratic challenges of the creation of tokens of this type.
The security tokens are basically the representation of the traditional actions of companies in cryptographic form, there are several reasons why tokenize securities or tokenize those actions, the main one is access to markets 24/7 which is what exchanges do we already know where we can buy and sell cryptocurrencies, another reason is not having intermediaries, another is that the rates would be much lower than they are traditionally and finally access to financing through cryptos and programmable actions ie the tokens securities they can automatically grant dividends.

This decentralized application that works through the blockhain of ethereum makes it easy to create a security token in approximately 15 minutes, for that you must be verified to pass the classic kyc that almost all the exchanges and most of the icos ask for and once verified, you can Access all the services offered to investors and companies that want to access financing or simply tokenize their shares.

To make an ethereum comparison would have the icos, polymath would have the sto that would be security token offerings, ethereum would have the utility tokens and polimath the securities tokens, erc-20 for ethereum and st-20 for polymath, the market capital of The securities tokens is higher than that of the utility tokens, it is expected that in 2020 the percentage of securities tokens that will be in the market will exceed 50% today is less than 1%, this due to the entry of the traditional market to the Tokinization of their actions, surely it will have to be regulated but not going in the long run will be very expensive to traditional companies.

The polymath token will be used for services such as creation of a security token within the same platform, access to verifications by investors and also to finance your company with the sto, that is, for people to invest do so through of poly token instead of another cryptocurrency the amount of tokens created is a billion a very high supply, in this case it is understood that if they open up to such a large market they should also have a large number of tokens, they will not issue more then somehow if you make long-term forecasts yes you could understand these figures, the projects most similar to polymath are waves that allows you to create assets paying waves and then these are used for commissions within your decentralized exchange and also ethereum to finance ico, to create tokens, smart contracts to pay commissions to transfer tokens from one place to another and many other things.
This project is headed by Trevor Koverko, an enthusiast of which cryptocurrencies have been around for many years. On the advisory side there are important people such as Anthony Diiorio, one of the co-founders of ethereum, Erik Voorhees of shapeshift, David Johnston of factom, Matthew Roszak of block, Robby Dermody of counterparty and Simon Dixon of bnktothefuture, for all these characteristics polymath seems a very interesting project to follow closely and to take into account since the security tokens could be the new utility tokens that is to say what happened in 2017 with the icos could happen with the security tokens in 2019 and in 2020.

So fresh and classic :-)