
Hey ;)

Just pay attention and try as bast as possible to verify the authenticity of the "new place", to again, avoid any loss ^^⁾

CyI Don't think STEEM itself is in danger, except in Poloniex, so if You have some there, better listen to @TheTimeTravelerz advice and move them to other place to avoid loosing any of it ;)

Man! Nice to see you again!

I don't even have money in my bank account

But anyway, thank you very much for the advice and also for taking a weight off my shoulders.

Keep in touch!

Have a great Sunday...

Yeah, I haven't left (yet), and don't really know if I will for sure, still trying to work around, working hard in the house even if I have to say goodbye, but for a few more days or a couple weeks (not sure about the timeline) I'm still around and will try to make a couple more posts and so on.. x)

Wish everything is good with You and Yours ^^D

You too brother, have an awesome time ^^)

I'm also glad to see that you're still around @cyberspacegod :)

Sort of, still doing a lot of things, but I'm doing the best I can to stay, Thank You =))

I've been so tired physically and mentally.. that haven't made a single post for an entire week, and there is yet too much to do and no guarantees of nothing, and it's hurting inside even more than outside, it doesn't matter, I'll deal with it either way..

Hope everything is good with You and Yours, ohh and I've received and like the topics of the last 2 memos but time didn't allow to even read the posts in detail.. =S

Have an awesome day @Crypto.Piotr and thank You again, for caring ;)

I guess when it comes to money and crypto it is best to keep it in your own wallet.
where you have control of your private keys

Yes, that's a fact. It is better to have in our own wallet

100% Agreed!!

There are some situations where the exchangers might be needed to convert from one coin to another but, only temporarily, now to leave coins there in my opinion, is definitely a "bad" idea..


Not entirely sure buddy but a popular coin being relisted is certainly not a good sign

At face value, definitely not a good thing, intrinsically, it might even be a positive/productive thing..
Given the fact that the exchanger have had some problems, and also has a bit more restrictions in comparison to other exchangers..

But, only time can tell.. Ohh and, thank You for the post and caring about others ^^⁾

Have a great day mate, cheers,

That's what I'm afraid of.