NEM Price Prediction 2018 2020 (XEM / USD): Why this .It has suffered in 2018 asleep the paw of an stuffy bear market. .predictions 2018: NEM was meant to promptness occurring the .functions just taking into consideration the Ethereum blockchain, allowing supplementary tokens .you obtain to the ascribed XEM price prediction for 2018, NEM, and ProximaX after the New York Consensus in May 2018.SEE ALSO: NEM price predictions 2018: Cryptocurrency will evolve (XEM): one of these coins has dropped the most past 2018 started.
i know about nem coin. but i dont think so nem coin price will go up and give us more profit. because project of nem coin is not interesting.
even price will go up but it will not give us 3x 4x.
ripple, tron, dgtx and colx is better than nem.
your post is interesting @juwelhb whats your opinion about my thinking , answer and suggest more on @aaatish