Skiing in Swiss Alps🇨🇭❄️ ~Skifahren in den Schweizer Alpen🇨🇭❄️

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


My Dear Steemit Friends, ❄️🎿
Today is my last day in the Swiss Alps. After I will continue with my schedule, which is going to be pretty crazy for the next few months. I hope for the best and look forward more and more to the next goals.

I also hope that I will be able to manage another ski trip this season in 2018. As It is always a great and effective outdoor training for me.⛷💪🏻
Meine Liebe Steemit Freunde, ❄️🎿
Heute ist mein letzter Tag in den Schweizer Alpen. Ich werde mit meinem Zeitplan fortfahren, der für die nächsten Monate ziemlich verrückt sein wird. Ich hoffe auf das Beste und freue mich immer mehr auf die nächsten Ziele.

Außerdem hoffe ich, dass ich in dieser Saison 2018 noch einen weiteren Skiausflug realisieren kann. Es ist immer ein großartiges und effektives Outdoor-Training für mich.⛷💪🏻






See You Soon! ❄️❤️
Bis Bald !❄️ ❤️

Content and photos by @kam.ila



Danke für deinen freundlichen Gruß! War es bei dir in den letzten Tagen auch so kalt wie bei uns in D und A? Von oben auf den Bergen wurden bis zu minus 30 Grad gemeldet! Brrrrr. Nichts für mich. Aber du scheinst dich ja nicht in einen gläsernen Schneemann verwandelt zu haben, also muss ich mir keine Sorgen machen, oder?
Ich bin schon gespannt auf deine nächsten Posts. Wohin wird dich deine Reise wohl führen?

Also noch mal ! einen freundlichen Gruß!
Ich bin nach Dubrovnik angekommen und hier es ist sehr kalt auch! 🙈 aber was gut ist, ist sehr sonnig.

Nice place to pass your have an angelic face...Have a nice time there..

thank you Kuba ! 😁

you look great today...

I take a resteem . I also want to play this sport in the snow.

Wow what a beautiful place! You looks so beautiful.

good post, .Thank you steemit friends, not because life gives you a reason to smile, but because your smile is the reason of others

oh thank you ! that is so nice to hear !

Wow this seems really fun cool shots these are thanks for sharing :D

best place you are at enjoying each day with lot of adventures epic i must say love it

thank You brainceo ! I am happy that you like my adventures !

Grüße aus Stuttgart.Hi @kam.ila, ich hoffe du hattest sehr viel Spaß auf deinen Skiern. Dein Blog sieht echt sehr interessant aus. Ich werde mich definitv des öfteren mal bei dir blicken lassen. Bin mal auf deinen zweiten Urlaub gespannt. Schade das deine Bilder so verwackelt sind. Ich wünsche dir alle Gute.

Ich freue mich ! Viele Grüße nach Stuttgart zurück.

Wow the scenarios are indeed beautiful ,they are looking amazing !Hope in the coming days we get to see your many new adventures !


it was an incredible journey,
I hope I can be there too

i think you are finished your travel but you are enjoying in this travel that is pick off on your post.... i like your all photos....

good photography and post... i like your all post... I look forward to every one of your #post..thank you so very much for #sharing..

Haven't been to the Swiss Alps yet, but based on your pics, the place looks amazing! :) Good luck and enjoy your skiing adventures.

Alps are delightful ! 💫 🏔💫

you are looking so cute.

I will continue with my schedule, which is going to be pretty crazy for the next few months. I hope for the best and look forward more and more to the next goals.

I’m sure you had a wonderful time spending time in such as beatiful place. Unfortunately, everything has to come to an end. It’s sad that these kind of vacations past so fast. I love skiing especially when beautiful nature is involved. Swiss Alps are one of the most beautiful places in Europe. I was so unfortunate that I still wasn’t be able to visit this amazing place. However years ago I visited Vogel in Slovenia, an amazing recreational facility for ⛷. I loved this place so much. Your pictures are beautiful.

brilliant photography and awesome look like a piolet

Wow! so sweet of you....

aaah mini liebe schwiiz :) von wo bish?

this was really a super cool time for you and beautiful clicks you took in the middle :)

Last day there make it best dear so that you can visit it soon enough enjoy the day :)

Its always good to have such experiences in life dear and this was a great trip for you :)

2018 is great rocking year for you keep the rocking vibes on :) and amaze us with your post's too

Excellent shots you have taken the last day to enjoy the most do some flips too hahah : )

Die OutdoorAktivitäten liebe ich auch sehr. Allerdings bevorzuge ich die wärmere Jahreszeit. Ab 15° bin ich vorrangig mit meinem Mountainbike in den Tälern und Wäldern rund um meinen Wohnort unterwegs. Wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Spass.
Grüsse Dich

steemians love it this is so cool to check out awesome place

the weather seems perfect today to enjoy :)

Just awesome photography,and mind blowing post.

Wonderful photography and great travel experience thanks @kam.ila

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment