Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. It is also a very good source of copper and a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate and pantothenic acid.
“Be a pineapple: Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.”
Katherine Gaskin
Photo Source pixabay by @pineapplesupplyco
Pineapples are a storehouse of several health benefits due to its wealth of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate, and bromelain, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber.
And its more benefits of pineapples are:
Heart benefits
Reduce Constipation
Reduce Bloating
Asthma prevention
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