Let’s begin by rewinding the clock to 2 weeks ago: I had just read the Palnet whitepaper which discussed the details of Palnet.io and the token launch of PALcoin.
I had never been involved in Pal up until this point. I had heard of it, obviously. I had listened to many shows on the MSP waves radio broadcast network. I was the definition of a low-profile lurker.
When I wasn’t lurking around MSP broadcasts, I would be following other developments across the Steem blockchain. I love reading about this stuff and just when you think you’ve read enough about the Steem blockchain, some awesome post comes out that details some new development.
Steem has reshaped my entire perception of things, but I don’t want to make this post focus on Steem and my journey on this blockchain. I’ll save that post for September when I celebrate my 2 year Steemiversary… I feel like I should throw a party of some sort for that, by the way.
Anyways… back to Palnet.
I saw the developments happening on Steem Engine:
- All of the STO options coming out
- The ENG token and how it would be used to empower businesses
- The DEX volume growing
- Scotbot
- Nitrous
- ScotBB
- Scot.tube
- Tokenized miners
- Staking
- …. Uhh … let’s just say that it’s a long list
All of these various developments were so interesting to me and I followed them very closely. SMTs were one of the main reasons why I became so infatuated with the Steem blockchain’s future and when I realized that Steem-Engine was going to not only create SMTs on their own, but actually create something much bigger than that original vision… I realized just how important it would be to jump on all the opportunities that Steem-Engine presented.
- When the miners were first released, I made sure to buy a bunch of them.
- When the ENG price dropped, I made sure that I was first in line to buy some.
- When Palnet.io launched and I realized that the vision of SMTs was here and Palnet would lead the charge of the new era of Steem — I decided to go all in with whatever I could scrape together.
The PAL price was quite high, but then I realized that after the claim drop, the price would tank. Needless to say, I had my fingers at the ready and I was willing and able to pull the trigger on as much PALcoin as I could get.
I scoured discord looking for people trying to offload their tokens and I was hitting the refresh button on the Steem Engine exchange like a madman.
I managed to pick up thousands of PAL at ridiculously cheap prices… I bought the majority of my stake when PAL was dropping all the way down to the .04-.07 level and I was stoked.
My vision then was that PAL would eventually normalize back to that 1-1 ratio (where the 12.6M PAL sell wall is set). Obviously it would take a long time to break through that sell wall - which I actually believe is possible, one day. So my target price was (and still is) around .7.
I still believe that PAL is undervalued and that’s why I still have been slowly buying. Although, I’m not getting quite the deal that I was right after the claim drop.
If PAL ever drops below .3 on the exchange, I become a buyer again. Between yesterday and today, I saw PAL drop to those buy levels for me and I was able to pick up some more PAL at what I believe to be a discount.
Palnet.io is 2 weeks old and it’s celebrity status is widely known on the Steem blockchain. I can’t imagine that any active Steemian hasn’t come across Palnet yet.
Regardless, many are still skeptical and I’ve seen that many well-known Steemians who are also large STEEM stakeholders still don’t have much, if any, PAL POWER.
I see this as an opportunity. Especially with HF21 around the corner. I think the vast majority of content creators on the Steem blockchain are going to begin focusing on Palnet. They’re going to let the STEEM flow in the background, but they’re going to realize that the real way to build a content-based brand on the Steem blockchain is through Palnet.io and the PAL token.
Steem is the base layer and STEEM will be valuable for businesses & communities. PAL and similar Tribal Tokens will be the desirable currencies for the users, creators and curators.
So after this LONG ramble, here is the milestone I hit this morning on Friday, June 21st 2019. I honestly believe that it’ll be a day that I remember. 50k PAL POWER!
I set the goal of 50k PAL POWER right after the claim drop… Obviously the prices were cheaper then, but regardless, I still ended up getting here with a little luck and a whole lot of stubborn willpower.
Time to go for 100k (or at least try to catch up to Aggroed)?? Seems daunting, but I’m kind of up for the challenge. Maybe I can curate myself most of the way there and continue to look for discounts on the market. Time will tell.
Side Note: I wasn’t the most active curator on Steem for the past several months because it became a little monotonous. Now I’m curating all day long here on Palnet. If you’re a content creator and you’re making awesome content regularly here on Palnet, please leave a comment below so I can give you a follow and have more to curate!!
p.s. sorry this post was so long, I got a little carried away and wrote way more than I planned 😬
Congrats mate. Those prices...can we turn back time just for a few seconds so that I can buy a few bags myself?
Yet some people are still...sleeping
Hahaha I wish!! I'd buy 5x as much as I did!
I agree... they're sleeping on a ridiculously amazing opportunity to be a part of the first real Steem tribe!
Haha - I love the fire in this post! Congratz on that huge milestone! I've actually clicked the 'power down' button first time in my Steem Journey just to have some liquid STEEM in case prices drop significantly... Interesting times for sure. Congratz on being a Pal Orca, although it looks more like a Pal Whale if only Aggroed holds more PAL...
dear and charming @soyrosa
...in case prices drop significantly... what is this price?
I meant the price of Pal :-)
Yeah the times they are a changin... for once it feels good to own other crypto than STEEM. But I still firmly believe in Steem and think that nothing but value to the Steem blockchain is derived from the second-layer solutions that Steem Engine continues to develop.
Haha thanks, I guess it kinda does. Doesn’t really feel like it though 🤷🏽♂️
Hahaha - these numbers are pressed hard in our brains - good luck on making it to 500000 PALPower :P
LOL I wish.. maybe one day!
An Italian proverb says "Chi dorme non piglia pesci" that, literally translated, it is “Those who sleep don't catch any fish”.
Congrats, @khaleelkazi! @amico
Heh. Congrats. Love the breakdown on excitement and vision of the future here.
Here's to that healthy growth!
Posted using Partiko Android
Certainly looking for that heavy future growth! I really see the potential here and I think it’s just a matter of time until many others come through the floodgates!
I had shipped most of my liquid Steem out before we knew we were launching this. Ugh. To have that back and loaded up here would have been fantastic. I was hoping to be pushing 60k by now, but alas, that price did rise a bit quicker than I had anticipated.
Darn, that could've been a huge play! Hindsight can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. I picked up a little at .3... Not sure if I'd buy at any price higher than that, but I also said that after PAL rose above .1. Time will tell!
Not bad at all putting me to shame even with almost 50 miners
Haha 50 miners!!! That's crazy! I may have to pick up some more for myself.
Solid long term investment in my opinion seems like a solid project.
Posted using Partiko Android
Way to go! You have actually given me the urge to get in on pal whilst it is still cheap now :0)
haha yes! And since I wrote this, the price has nearly doubled up to .5! If we drop back down, I'm definitely going to pick up some more.
I noticed the doubling!! I am keeping an eye out for a cheap buy in. I'm hoping it's not like that time I waited for steem to go below a dollar and it just kept climbing! :0)
Haha, your journey feels a lot like mine. I've always felt Steemit was just a few fixes and tweaks away from having something that would be amazing so when I read about Palnet, I knew this was going to be big.
I also knew that a ton of people would dump as soon as they got their claim and assumed a lot of other people would be doing the same thing as me and you, but when the dust settled I was in the top 20, which was pretty crazy.
Congrats on the milestone, my next one will be 20k which I'll probably buy my way to if I see a deal on Steem Engine, from there I'll be trying to master the art of being an awesome curator while also buying in from time to time.
Haha that is pretty funny. It was a great opportunity with some risk involved, but I saw where this ship was headed. I'm glad it played out the way I hoped, but I still kind of wish I had gotten more at those insane price levels! Maybe next time if it drops down, but either way, I'm happy with my stake so far. Yes, becoming an effective curator is the top of my to do list!
I had exactly the same vision and plan but while waiting for 7 days for my liquid steem from power down price went up and I was able to scope 12K pal at 0.3 for 4K of steem. But I still have 90K steem and with delegating them out I'll get a ton of other coins.
Just in case I also bought 10 PALMM.
Ah damn, that sucks. At least you managed 12k, that's a lot more than most!!! 10 miners is also respectabe, I bet you're getting quite a few PAL each day which will help you grow consistently. PAL is going to be way more valuable soon as the network stabilizes a bit and people are less fearful of this whole thing just disappearing tomorrow.
True. Comparing 400M steem to 21M pal we're way ahead in the game.
100%. I love the numbers on that and the fact that PAL is in good hands... kinda like Allstate ;)
BAM 💥 !!
We are here ! Palnet Love !
Congratulations on this amazing achievement !
Thank you! I’m glad to achieve it and look forward to maybe getting myself to 100k!
yeah, you're welcome !
I need to buy some more too 🙂
Congrats. A palnet whale.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hehe I guess so, doesn’t totally feel that way though!
I feel the same excitement you do, and am accumulating Pal. Love it!
Pal is the future for users of Steem... pal is the first of many niche tokens that can power the next generation of online communities!
Well done and I bought around 900 more palcoins with the little bit of steem I had sitting in my account when the price of Palcoin went real low.
Posted using Partiko Android
Very solid! Nice play. It's important to keep yourself up to date on the latest developments so you can scoop these awesome opportunities when they present themselves!
Thanks and yes we need to try and keep up with it all and that is getting harder everyday with so much happening now. I have just started a steem power down for the first time so I can have some more liquid steem ready to buy in.
Posted using Partiko Android
Greetings, khaleelkazi
I am a grand enthusist of PAL. I am at Pal discord channel since i joined steem blockchain, last year( january or february).
I staked my Palcoins that i receive, different of most of people that selled all. I believe Pal can bring a lots of good projects to steem blockchain.
I will be glad when i receive your upvote
thank you and have a nice day
I agree, Palnet is huge and a game changer for Steem. I wish I was more active in the Discord when I first joined up on the Steem blockchain
Are there any Palnet telegram groups for this? Would like to learn more about it. Where can learn about these new miners?
NOICE. Your vote on palnet really matters :D
Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!
Congrats on going all in and being smart about it!! Thanks for sharing!
Posted using Partiko Android
The future is bright for palnet. I see it hitting 1 steem also soon, just a matter of time and patience
Congrats on becoming a PAL whale. Way to go.
Posted using Partiko Android
Everyone trying to become a PAL whale ehehe
smart move! congrats
Thank you for the information about PAL.NET.
I have recently claimed my free coins and purchased a few minors. I am quite active on Steemit with 850 plus posts in one year and almost 1500 followers.
I have liquidated some litecoin and soon some dash to purchase more pal coins.
I have two pal mega miners and I am anxious to see how long it takes to get a block reward. Congratulations on orca status.