Treatment of dizziness and treatment of headaches

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


Treatment of dizziness and migraine headaches Dizziness is a condition in which a person feels that what is around him is circling, or he falls. Another type of dizziness is characterized by a sense of lightness of the head, a feeling that precedes fainting, and causes the person to sway and fall. Dizziness is often accompanied by vomiting. Dizziness occurs during short moments when the blood flow to the brain decreases. It can also occur as a result of pressure differences in the semicircular canal in the inner ear. Dizziness is often associated with some disorders, such as anemia, epilepsy, heart disease And diseases of the ear, as well as arising from poor digestion and constipation and fermentation of food in the intestines and some kidney diseases, and that high blood pressure is a lot of trouble, including dizziness, as well as hearing and sight are affected by dizziness, may arise vertigo from a blow to the head, and other injury or concussion In the brain, s Cause Chora years and the lack of stability and Tbulbula .. We note that in some cases the person that is calculated and its surroundings are entangled, fixed things seems to be moving in different directions, and the person finds that he is unable to stand upright or may actually fall to the ground.

There are four types of dizziness or vertigo:

  • The first type: a feeling of passing or short dizziness is soon to disappear, the person who gets it does not like to stay in high places and usually Maiskk anything around him as if descending from the stairs of a multi-role building, find him clinging to Darbzin of the stairs, and when he ascended to a high place Such as a mountain peak, a tower of high towers, or a tall building. If he looks down, he does not have a good head-to-foot accord and may feel dizzy and may fall.
    Type 2: The person feels dizzy when he suddenly stands up after sitting and finds him clinging to things. He is afraid of falling. Many people think that the reason for this is to look at a glasses shop and cut glasses in the hope that they prevent the appearance of the dizziness and the casualty can not leave his bed in the morning. After sitting in a pajamas for 5-10 minutes or injured after a dizzy rise, and may disappear after a few minutes and may last for about an hour or two hours. The cause of such vertigo or dizziness is a disease in the bile.

The third type is that the sufferers are forced to stay in bed for many consecutive days. They can not rise and wear their clothes for their continuous feeling of dizziness. If they rise, they lose their balance and expose themselves to the danger of falling. This type of vertigo is not usually accompanied by nausea.

  • Type IV: The rotations of dizziness or dizziness are severe and accompanied by nausea and tinnitus in the ear and sometimes hearing, and those infected with this type sometimes accompany bed several weeks and can not get up when they see everything around them and unable to stand and walk and fall to the ground when standing there and there are several Causes of vertigo include:
  • Sea Swallow: This type causes the movement of vessels due to disorders of the balance device in the ear of the person and symptoms nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache and draw the color of the face of the injured and perspiration cold.

The treatment of this type is simple where it is necessary to sit in a renewed air with light eating and stay away from fatty foods and take anti-nausea drugs are very famous and available in pharmacies, the most important of which is known as the name of Dramamine.

  • Roundabout Mountain: This type of vertigo occurs in high elevations such as mountain peaks due to lack of air pressure, and people who think of the rise of mountains and tourists in cars expected to exposure to the highland and take the necessary action, and treatment of this type reduce physical effort and eating and drinking For two days until the body adjusts itself to the new site .. Cardiac and chest patients should avoid going to high places.
  • Rotating movement: feel this type of people and not the majority when riding a train or plane or even a car or a steamer or elevator or swing and the cause of the rotor felt by some people that the movement is unusual or irregular disturbance of the organs of the balance of the inner ear, and symptoms of vertigo and headache Color and cold sweat, and all these symptoms often disappear quickly after the end of the journey is not causing damage. The person who is unusual to travel by sea or plane is dizzy from hunger or indigestion or excessive fainting or sniffing foul smells, especially the smell of tobacco smoke.

The treatment of this type of sedatives before taking a plane or steamer and snack on take off, and should lie on the seat and close the eyes, and avoid sitting in places with poor ventilation and fatty foods and prefer to eat a cup of concentrated coffee.


The ginkgo leaf extract was widely described in Europe against dizziness. A French study of 70 people with chronic dizziness gave the ginkgo extract. The result was that 47 of them had recovered from dizziness. The dose was between 60 and 240 grams per day, but this dose should not be exceeded. The excess causes diarrhea and severe anxiety.


Chinese studies have shown that celery seeds have a good effect against dizziness and Chinese people use celery seeds as a remedy for dizziness.

Rosemary rosemary

Lemon Paradise or Lemon Indian GRAPEFRUIT

The Chinese consider lemon peel as a favorite recipe against dizziness, where they peel the fruits of the fruit in the form of tea and drink it for this purpose.

Peach peach

The Chinese use peach leaves as tea against dizziness, where they swallow a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of water and drink it against dizziness.


It is used by American women, especially those living in the south and south-west, where a small spoon is taken and dissolved in a glass of water and drunk when dizziness is completely eliminated.


Soak about 2 tablespoons of Tamarind fruits in the evening at about a glass of water and squeezed in the morning and clean and drink half in the morning and half the rest in the evening against dizziness.

Apple vinegar

Take a spoonful of vinegar and add to fill a cup of cold water and drink when feeling dizzy.

Juniper leaves JUNEPER

Take two tablespoons of dry juniper leaves and add to a pint of water and boil for 5 minutes then cool and drain and drink a lukewarm cup of tea with each meal and this is very useful for dizziness.


Headache is the most common disease among humans and varies from mild headache to severe headache. Headache is not a stand-alone disease. It is a symptom. It is undoubtedly the most common symptom of several diseases affecting both the body and the soul. This may extend to the shoulders and may extend to the shoulders as well. Headaches may go on for less than an hour or several days. The causes of the headache are due to many conditions. The head injury is a wound or contraction of the head muscles, or throbbing of the arteries Which nourish the scalp, all can lead to headaches, and can also be Tinnitus and sinusitis or allergic reactions lead to headaches. In very limited cases, headaches may be caused by a brain tumor or other brain disease. There are two main types of acute or chronic headaches.

Acute headaches are rare and often continue for a short time. Most people with severe headaches seek advice from a doctor because they are concerned about the persistence of severe headaches. In most cases, rest and non-drug use can lead to the patient's discomfort. Chronic headaches occur regularly, And may continue for a few days. The causes of headaches are due to the following main reasons: headaches caused by stress and stress. Headache emerging for some trouble in the blood vessels and the heart. Headache emerging for some cancerous tumors in the brain. Migraine headaches. Tension headache headache sunburn. Headaches caused by eye diseases and the most common types of migraine headaches (migraine) and tension or psychological headaches.

Migraine is one of the most severe and severe headaches and is also called headache due to pain associated with nausea and vomiting. Migraine may be caused by increased swelling, swelling or palpitations of the head arteries. Some foods, such as chocolate and some types of cheese, may lead to migraines in some people. Migraines are frequent and often painful. The patient has to be in bed. The migraine may recur two or three times a week, and in some cases The onset of a migraine usually lasts for several months, sometimes preceded by a warning. The appearance of radiant rays in front of the eye or glowing lights, such as a flash, or a dark spot in the field of vision. Pain often affects one side of the head, followed by nausea and vomiting And some patients tend to cry and excrete their eyes tearful despite them, there may be a blurring of vision (dizziness) or numbness in the limbs of the arm or legs. Doctors in the face of migraines describe different drugs to help reduce brain tumor during the stroke Migraines, and some migraine patients may resort to the use of biofeedback, a method of learning to control the processes of the body that are not normally under voluntary control. People have learned how to regulate blood flow, blood pressure, body temperature, brain waves, heart rate and other functions. The autonomic part of the nervous system automatically controls such processes. People can also use feedback to learn how to move their muscles out of control as a result of an accident, stroke or damage to the brain, and through the feedback technique Migraine sufferers can learn how to raise their body temperature by themselves and without their help. This method will reduce blood pressure indirectly to the scalp, which means reducing the contractions and palpitations of the cerebral arteries.

Tension headache: It is the most common headache. It is associated with increased tension of the facial muscles. When a person is tense, tired or under the influence of physical or mental tension, these muscles contract, resulting in tension headaches. The patient suffers from pain in the head or the back of the head. Neck and tension headaches can be alleviated using drugs to relieve pain. Herbal medicines

  • Are there herbal medicines to treat or relieve headaches, migraines and tension? Yes, there are good herbal medicines to treat headaches such as: BAY, which is scientifically known as LAURUS NOBILIS, and Laurel leaves contain compounds known as PARTHENOLIDES, which have been found to have a distinct effect against the sister. A product of this chemical group is sold in regulated herb stores .

In a study published in the British Journal of Medicine, it has been shown that taking fennel leaves regularly prevents migraine attacks. The Hurd Medical School Bulletin reported that eating a few fennel leaves became normal to prevent migraines. In Britain, patients with migraine headaches who did not improve with synthetic drugs were said to have taken the disease and found amazing results. It is said that eating about 4 fresh paprika leaves protect against migraine, and plant leaves are used in the form of tea, Of the plant Put in a cup filled with water, then boil and leave for ten minutes and then drain and drink once a day, but the easiest is the presence of capsules ready in the local markets and it is codified and the way to use, but be aware that pregnant women and nursing mothers should not be used for any preparation Of the herbivores of the fever.

  • Willow husks WILLOW BARKS There are three types of willow plant used to treat headaches, which is known scientifically as SALIX FRAGILIS, SALIX DAPHNOIDES and SALIX PURPUREA German authorities have introduced the peel of willow as a headache treatment. Willow contains salicylic acid and tannins and alkaloids and glucosides and willow is the first plant to come from him Aspirin, the German Constitution has recommended the use of 60 to 120 mg of salicin for the treatment of headache, which is equivalent to a tablespoon of willow husks, but if you suffer from allergies against aspirin should not use the peel willow, and should not give the scales willow to children, Or Filonza which would cause the destruction of the liver and brain.

This plant is one of the best plant sources for the elimination of migraine pain. The plant contains the phenylalanine compound. The specialists are advised to take 6 to 8 capsules of aloe vera plant oil.

  • Garlic Garlic onion ONION is the garlic and onions of blood thinners, and platelets plaques that are involved in the formation of blood clots are also the cause of migraines and therefore eating garlic or onions reduces the effect of thrombocytopenia and thus prevents the formation of migraine.

  • GINGER GINGER People in Asia usually use fresh or dry ginger to prevent headaches or migraines, and there was a Chinese woman tried all drugs to stop the pain of the sister, which suffered for a long time and finally moved to the ginger, which removed what it was suffering where it took between 500 to 600 mg of Dry ginger and mixed with water when you feel the symptoms of the sister, and continued to take four doses a day and for four days, and then switched from the use of dry ginger to fresh ginger until the symptoms of the sister was cut, and it is said that the use of turmeric in small doses with ginger is very useful in the treatment of migraine.

Ginkgo GINKGO has been talking about ginkgo, known scientifically as GBILOBA. Scientific studies say that the sister is gone when the flow of blood to the head, and this is what the ginkgo makes the flow of blood to the brain and there are several markets in the market of this plant where taken 30 drops of ginkgo extract Which contain at least 5% flavonoid glucosides 3 times a day for only two or three days. Ginkgo capsules can also be used at 60 to 240 mg / day, but the dose does not exceed this limit as the increase causes diarrhea and discomfort.

LEMON BALM Professor Norman, a professor of pharmacy at King's College London University and the author of the medical literature, says that the plant of beeswax has been included in the good recipes for the treatment of headaches and migraine. It is recommended to use one tablespoon to two tablespoons of dry plant leaves added to fill a cup of water previously boiled The leaves are then cooled and then drunk, said a mixture can work in equal amounts of hashish, fenugreek, turmeric and taken on a drenched body to treat the migraine.

PORSLAN, a small herbaceous plant known scientifically as PORTUIACA OLERACEA, contains a large amount of magnesium. Food specialists have suggested that 600 mg of magnesium per day is useful for stopping headaches or migraines. According to Dr. Gallup, a number of Americans They began to eat men on their meals daily and were suffering from the sister where it was found that the lack of magnesium had a role in the sister, so the patients can increase the sister of men with their meals.

This herb is similar in its effect to the effect of the fungus where it contains the Partheniolides, which prevents the sister, the pregnant woman should not use the herb plant healing, and there is this plant preparations in the local market .

"Thyme has been talked about thyme, but here we talk about good strains of tension headaches," says John Heisman, author of the Hennerman Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs. Drinking a teaspoon of thyme powder to fill a glass of water that has been boiled once or twice a day helps Stop muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and back of the head caused by tension headaches.

Pure honey: Once the symptoms of sister eating a tablespoon of pure honey, where the pain disappears after about half an hour, is known that pure honey is a general dwelling of the body is also a suitable treatment for all types of headaches, including sister.

  • Vapor water with vinegar: This is another way to treat the sister, a method depends on inhalation and for this purpose put a mixture of vinegar and water in a pot on the fire to boil, and spread steam in the air and then the person who suffers from the sister face steam and inhaled about 75, The migraine pain gradually subsides until it completely disappears when the inhalation is completed. If the migraine occurs again, the seizure is much less than the first time and the inhalation process is repeated until the sister breaks down.

Rosemary is a herbaceous herb known as the rosemary, an aromatic plant grown in the gardens and widely used by Europeans. It is considered a common plant. It has a pilot oil and is the most important of its compounds. A vegetable leaf, which is added by adding 50 grams of plant leaves, which is equivalent to a tablespoon of leaves, to fill a cup of boiled water, leave for 15 minutes, then drain and drink once a day, and the water vapor can be inhaled after placing the leaves in boiling water.

  • Honey and lemon juice have been the best treatment for migraines, this plant is found in aroma shops and can be ordered from health food vendors.

  • Chrysanthemum CHRYSANTHEMUM In India and China, the citizens of the country use tea made from Chrysanthemum flowers to treat tension headaches. A medium spoon of dry flowers is taken and placed in a cup filled with boiled water, boiled for 10 minutes and then filtered and drunk two to three times a day. Chrysanthemums are sold in most health food stores.

BIRCH ROOTS The birch tree is used as a perennial tree. The roots of this plant are widely used by the Native Americans to treat migraines. Take a tablespoon of root powder and immerse in a cup of water that has been boiled and left for 10 minutes without dipping, then draining and drinking once a day.

The Chinese use the herbivores known as DONG QUAI to treat migraines, where they make tea from the roots of the plant, where they take a number of large pieces of roots and placed in two cups of water that has been boiled and left for 10 minutes without cover and drink This lotion is repeated twice in the morning and once in the evening.


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