It was inevitable to know what this year would bring. I got to thinking that all the times that the millet horoscope that would be a year of changes had accumulated in these first 3 months of this year, as a retroactive payment for the times that their predictions failed. I do not know how to tell a story that has not ended, because it really starts. But it has been so moved, so intense that it seems to be in the high stage.
Not three months passed and I lost my paternal grandmother. What a huge pain !! Pain that I still feel like it was yesterday. And not because I loved her more than my other losses, but because I had to live with her her battle, shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest. She never gave up and neither did I; And although we gave a worthy battle, they won us !! She was, is and will always be a Warrior. Woman that her failures never managed to obscure her virtues, from her I learned to pray and have the Catholic faith with me; I learned that money is not saved, only enjoyed; That if you have a PAN you should share it with the one you need; That we should care about our neighbor and be grateful. But his greatest teaching that surely does not know that he taught me, was that love always wins. That when you cling to the right thing sooner or later the world will abide by your decisions; that you can err but God will show you that you did wrong and allow you to rectify (it is up to you to take that path). Great woman!
But when I told you that this is just beginning, it's because it does not end, right? To complete I have to fire my brother because he is leaving the country. Already the airport has become an obligatory stop in my family and not to receive people in this beautiful country but to dismiss them.
The family that I grew up with is completely separated. And although it has been hard to fire cousins, uncles and friends. To say goodbye to my brother is to give a direct and unceasing blow to my heart. We have never separated. We have always traveled together, we go out together, we have never been a dysfunctional family, we have always been five for everything. And today see that to achieve dreams, meet goals and have the basics, one is forced to leave their country is something hard, incomprehensible.
I will not tell you that everything will be fine, because it is not like that. You can not be well when the uncertainty of not knowing what happened invades your life. Nobody knows for sure when to meet again with that family that left, nobody returns the lost moments by the distance. It only remains to pray, to have faith that God's plans are better than our human vision can see.