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RE: The Impact of Cotton Coin on the Emerging Cotton Industry

in #busy7 years ago

I used the example of real goods vs credit. That is a business example. When money is not backed by gold or anything else, it is only good as credit.

The example we teach in America is how kings had army and merchants had money. The kings had their faces on the money that the merchants were trading.

Knowledge is power. Americans take very seriously their right to bear arms. Money is a medium of exchange. Power, like the kings' weapons, are real. Money (not backed by gold) is only as real as we wish it to be at a given time. Civilizations at peace use money. Poor people and in times of survival its all about power.

As much an emphasis we place on money there is even more on power. But, few people ever need to concern themselves with that. Maybe also those living off the grid.

those with money have the power to do as the please

Power in this context is more about personal power. Consider a country with a good economy because it sells luxury items versus a country that owns oil used to power cars and ocean liners. Power is needed. Money is wanted.

It is easy to see the difference when there is a close comparison. Obviously each can acquire the other to some extent.

Power is needed. Money is wanted.

i think with illustrative contrast I have a glimpse of the picture/

I like to ask are you a philosopher, your rate of dividing information is classy

I have a degree in aviation and worked in a library in NJYC metropolis. Through it all there was a decent amount of philosophical discourse.