our country is crying for lack of educate journalistic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The drug companies are faulting !! They are "Cholera" is not the name, the "fluid diarrhea" could be the name of the required !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the owners !!!!!!!! "hartasamena fluid" is not so, if the bodahaya these "uneducated sanghatikara" kaito, :: diarrhea patients, heart attack, to kill with syalaina happened phelano !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((NB: I understand the ease of nanamedikyala phebu frnd :: Vibreo cholerae called by a virus, diarrhea / cholera is more severe than the loss of another organism + Pu , DNS, NS can be given any of these salines, but Cholera saline is best selectble)