Can I say that I loved your post? I do! In fact, positive, well-managed thinking makes us more resistant to some mood disorders. Depression has many causes. However, thoughts of low self-esteem, of not being worthy or not being good enough, play an important role in depressive processes. With positive affirmations, we can change our thinking process and make it play in our favor, and not against it.
Removing negative thoughts from our minds is like weeding our garden and cleaning it from any kind of weed. We have to eliminate negative thoughts first so that through positive affirmations we can attract the positive to our lives.
The affirmations are very similar to the creation of a visualization. The constant repetition of our thoughts leads us to conviction. The words we say and repeat many times lead our unconscious to be convinced that they are a reality. In the same way visualizations or mental pictures work to attract our goals. Our unconscious mind has no sense of humor.
Everything we suggest he think and imagine, that's what he think. The visualization of an event is a way to reach that goal. The visualizations are nothing other than a strong desire to reach certain situations that we want to attract towards us. The repetition of these mental images makes the unconscious mind accept them and that allows them to occur.